Estoy Enamorado 💙❤️

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Jamie's POV

I wave bye to the team and Bart as they leave for their mission on the bio-ship. 

Once they leave I run to my room and grab my guitar, I've always wanted to play in the kitchen, it has the best acoustics in the whole mountain. I set it down, leaning it against the counter.

I'm kinda hungry, since Bart ate all my snack earlier. Maybe I should eat a snack before singing.

I search through the kitchen, no good snacks. Guess I'll have to make some actual food. After 10 minutes I finished making my food and eat it quickly, I was much hungrier than I thought.

I wash the dishes I used and put them on a drying rack. I then wash my hands, so they're clean for playing the guitar.

I grab my guitar and sit on the counter with my legs crossed and my guitar in my lap. I strum it a little and tune it to the correct pitch. Once it's tuned properly I tap my let softly to know how fast to go for the song.

Once I get to a good pace I start strumming and singing.

Una nueva mañana
Me levante pensando en todas las cosas lindas que hemos hecho

I close my eyes and think about Bart and all the fun things we've done together...going to the movies, playing video games, going to the fair, and just talking about whatever...

W con Yandel, pensando en tu olor, tu piel
Para mí lo eres todo

He's also so happy and always smiling... I don't think I could go on without him in my life... He really is my everything...

Quisiera estar siempre a tu lado
Huir de todo mal 

To stay by his side forever and escape all the bad things... I wish I could just disappear with Bart, we wouldn't have to worry about the reach or any villains. We could just live our lives, as us.

De tu cuerpo un esclavo
Y creo que te he demostrado que

Estoy enamorado 
Te lo quiero confesar
Totalmente ilusionado

I really am in love with Bart aren't I? I want to confess to tell him I love him...but I can't.

Me la pasó pensándote

Bart is always on my mind. I'm always thinking about him, his beautiful smile. The way his green eyes sparkle when he's excited, how soft his brown hair is. The way he talks. He's so crash. I giggle at my stupid comment that no one can hear and continue singing the song.

Nunca voy a soltarte 

I'm never letting Bart go. Even if he will never truly be mine, we will still always be best friends. And I am never letting that go.

Estoy enamorado
Te lo quiero confesar
Totalmente ilusionado
Me la pasó pensándote 
Nunca voy a soltarte 

Quería progreso a la calle le dio un receso

Mi voz tenia peso como un corazón preso
Ella me libro de todo mal con tan solo un beso
Ha sido un proceso, pero el amor ya no da regreso

Yo sigo a su lado, su amor es sagrado
Tengo muy claro del amor el significado
Ella tiene regaño conmigo ha batallado
Como dos soldado nos hemos ayudado

Estoy enamorado
Te lo quiero confesar 

Maybe I'll confess to Bart... It would be nice if we could cuddle and kiss.. Bart kissing me.. It's making me blush. I can't help but imagine Bart's soft, pink lips on mine...

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