If I Die Young

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Dick Grayson, or Nightwing to many was at Wally West, or Kid Flash's grave yet again. He has been here many times in the past month. Others have been here as well but it seemed that Dick Greyson was there almost 24/7.

Today was no different from the others, he came with a white, red, and yellow Chrysanthemum and set them in front of his grave. "Hey Wally..." His voice was broken, he was broken.

Ever since the death of his friend, no, his soulmate, he has barely gotten any sleep and has barely eaten anything. He looks so sickly and anyone who looks at him can tell he's grieving over someone he loved dearly.

".. I miss you..so badly..so does the rest of the team...please, please come back to us...to me... I need you, Wally..." Dick cries, like every time he comes here, he sobs his heart out in front of the person he cared most for.

"Hey Walls...remember when you sang to me to make me feel better? Mind singing again?" Dick asks desperately, even though he knows nothing but silence will come.

Dick cried and cried, until he couldn't cry anymore. "I know you always hated when I sang... I don't understand why...but maybe this time, I could sing for you...would that be ok?" He asks but is met with silence.

"Well...here I go..sorry in advance..."

Meanwhile in the Arctic there were two heroes, Blue beetle and Impulse.

"Jamie, why are we here again? It's freezing!" Impulse whined.

"Because Scarab told me there was someone or something going to appear here. There's some sort of entity with a life force here." Blue Beetle says as the Scarab scans the area.

Jamie, our impulse seems to be very cold. Why don't we help warm him up? 


Hug him. 

What? Why? 


Scarab gets cut off by Bart whining some more. "JamiIiIeEEeE, it's too cold! Let's just go home!" 

"We can't ese."

 "Then give me your body heat!" 

 "I can't do that-" Jamie gets cut off as Bart hugs him.

Jamie Reyes. Our Impulse is hugging us. 

I know scarab.

Your ACTH hormones, as well as the Impulse's are increasing Jamie Reyes.

Shut up Scarab!

All of a sudden there was a strong wind, a snow tornado started up out of nowhere.

 Scarab what's happening?!

The entity. It is giving off very high temperatures and it is very fast. Our Impulse should be able to catch it.

"Bart, you think you can catch whatever is making that thing?" Jamie asks.

"Yes I can her-man-do!" Bart smiles up at Jamie before sprinting off into the snow tornado.

Soon enough the tornado died down and there was Bart in the middle, with someone else. "Jamie! Get over here!" Bart yells at him.

Jamie quickly flies over to Bart and gasps when he sees who it is. "That's-" 

That is Wally West, the original Kid Flash. His vitals are normal other than low stamina and malnourishment.

"We need to get him to the medbay immediately" Bart nods and Jamie picks up Wally.

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