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This will have the OG team and none of them has seen Robin without a shirt.

TW: Scars and Eating Disorder

Wally's POV:

We're going to the beach! Yes! It's been so long since we had a nice break, we're going to have so much fun! Though Dick doesn't seem too happy about going even if he is smiling. Maybe he doesn't like sand? Sand does get everywhere and is kinda annoying.

We all go our separate ways to get ready for the beach, man I'm so excited.


We all meet back up a little later and damn the ladies are looking nice. Artemis is in a green bikini and M'gann is in a yellow one. Dang does Artemis have some nice abs..

"Wally stop staring. You're making Artemis uncomfortable." I hear Dick say and I turn to him, crossing my arms.

 "I wasn't staring, I was admiring. There's a difference." Dick is in red and black swim shorts and a black hoodie. 

"Hey, aren't you going to be hot in that?" I ask. He shrugs and waves me off. Kaldur and Conner come in, wearing blue and black swim shorts respectively. I myself are in yellow and red swim shorts.

We head out to the beach, Dick lays under an umbrella while the rest of us play in the water, I wonder why. Kaldur swims in the water, diving and swimming with the nearby fishes. Me and Conner go against Artemis and M'gann in a chicken fight.

After we totally let the girls win we all start to play some beach volleyball. Artemis went and laid under the umbrella with Dick while me and Kaldur went against Conner and M'gann. I don't know why but I can't shake the feeling something bad is going to happen. I'm also pretty sure Artemis kept looking over at Dick while we were playing chicken which is pretty weird.

Right as I was about to score the final point I hear Dick yell, "Artemis give me my hoodie back right now!" We all turn to look and under the umbrella is Dick without his hoodie and Artemis staring at him, Dick's hoodie in hand. What the fuck?! Did she really just- I quickly run over, snatching the hoodie from her. 

Dick is covered in scars, some old, some scarily new. There are parts of his chest that are carved in with J's and others with hearts. On his side there is a J+H with a heart around it and on his back we're terrible etched wings with long deep lines where they would be attached.

Dick is also quite skinny, how did I not notice before? I mean I noticed he didn't eat as much when he was around us but I thought he just didn't like eating in front of the others. Oh man I'm a terrible friend, I didn't even know my best friend wasn't eating right.

I quickly wrap the hoodie around Dick and stand in front of him, glaring at Artemis. "What. The hell. Artemis." She doesn't have any right to take Dick's hoodie and show his body like that.

 "I didn't mean- I didn't know-" She mutters out. She didn't mean to? Like hell, she totally knew what she was doing! She's just saying that because she knows she's in the wrong. I go to yell but Dick puts his hand on my shoulder. 

"Wally. I'm going home." He blandly mumbles but I can tell he was nervous. I didn't want Dick to feel like this ever, he looks so sad and disappointed. He walks off and I turn to Artemis. 

"Look Wally, I-" She tries to say something but I cut her off, my anger boiling over.

"You what Artemis!? You feel bad that you disrespected Robin like that?! You had no right to do that! He wanted to keep his body private and you just-" 

"Wally..." M'gann tries to calm me down. I just glare at them all.

"I don't know how the rest of you aren't as mad as me. You guys are all stupid." I run off, I'm never talking to any of them again. Sure they didn't defend Artemis but they didn't defend Dick either! They just stood there staring!

I run all the way to Wayne Manor and knock on the door. Alfred opens up and smiles at me. "Master Dick is in his room." I thank him before running to his room and softly knocks on his door. I hear the door unlocks and I quickly enter, locking it.

Dick sits back on his bed and hugs a pillow. "I'm sorry Wally.." I sit down next to him.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Dick. This is all Artemis's fault. She's the one that disrespected you. You didn't do anything wrong."  I say and Dick turns to me and smiles, tears in his beautiful eyes. I wipe his teary eyes and hug him gently. He hugs me back and snuggles close, resting his head in my neck, mumbling something.

"What was that?" I ask, he pulls away slightly and chuckles. 

"No homo."

I snort and smirk. "All of the homo."

Ok this is pretty short and honestly not my best work but I hope it was ok. I'm sorry I made Artemis the villain in this story and I hope you can forgive me for that. I like Artemis and I don't think she is that bad of a person, I just made her a bad character for this Oneshot.

I hope you liked the story and please tell me if there are any mistakes. Have a great day/night.

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