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Dick sighs as he steps through the beta tube to the mountain. He was finally allowed to leave one of Bruce Wayne's gala events. He loves helping the community and charity but he hates dealing with the press trying to pry into him and his family's life.

He was too tired to realize he didn't have his sunglasses or mask on when entering the mountain, probably from the lack of sleep in the past week. They finally caught one of the super villains that have been a pain in their ass. Dick yawns as he walks through the mountain, he just wanted to grab something from the room he has in the mountain.

Before he could open his door though he was scooped up by a yellow blur, he chuckles as he feels them spin around. When the spinning stops he smiles at the ginger boy holding onto his waist gently. "Hey."

"Hey." Dick rests his hands on his chest, the ginger boy leans down slightly, giving him a soft kiss for just a small moment. "Did you just come back from a mission?" Dick asks, noticing that he's still in his uniform.

"Yeah, but the team won't see us." Wally whispers, kissing his cheek gently, surprisingly more lovey than normal.

"It's still dangerous to do this in the mountain." Dick says, trying to pull away but Wally holds onto him, a small whine escaping his lips.

"Awe, come on Dick, the danger is part of the fun~" Wally teases, giving light kisses to Dick's neck as well.

Dick rolls his eyes at the eager boy. "Can't we at least go to your room then?"

"I mean if you really want to." Wally grins, before either of them could run off though Artemis speaks from the hallway entrance.

"What the fuck-"

The two of them look over to Artemis, a panicked look coming to Dick's face while Wally bites his lip. "I can explain Artemis-" Wally tries to explain but M'gann comes over with Kaldur and Conner in tow.

"What's wrong, Artemis?" M'gann asks, Artemis practically screamed to her telepathically. M'gann looks over and gasps at the sight, she can't handle this, her ship can no longer sail now that Wally is with another man.

"..Wally, what is the meaning of this?" Kaldur asks, glaring at the smaller boy in Wally's arms.

"It's not what it looks like!" Wally stumbles, pulling away from Dick who's trying not to laugh. He knows the team doesn't know his secret identity so he doesn't have to worry about any bad secrets getting revealed. Plus watching Wally squirm is a little funny.

"Why are you fraternizing with Bruce Wayne's son in the mountain?!" Artemis practically yells in confusion and anger. It's hard to tell if she's angry at Wally for bringing a civilian into the mountain or if she just doesn't want to see him kissing people in the mountain.

"Well.." Wally tries to think of a way out of this mess but Dick struts up to the team, holding his hand out to shake Kaldur's hand.

"Dick Grayson, ward of Bruce Wayne and Wally's boyfriend. Nice to meet you." He says with a smirk.

Kaldur takes his hand, shaking it firmly. "Aqualad, may I ask how you are here?"

"Ah, my father is friends with Batman. He told me to come here because the paparazzi got into our front yard during the gala and they're currently doing clean up." Dick smiles brightly, his hands going behind his back as he rolls on his feet. "Wally here just happened to have found me."

"I see. You are welcome to stay here then." Kaldur nods, not minding having the son of Bruce Wayne here for safety reasons. "But I would like to request that you don't be so..intimate with Wally while in the hallways."

"Yes sir." Dick smiles, doing back over to Wally and punching him in the arm. "You heard him, no being horny on main."

Wally's face flushes at the comment, he rubs his arm gently since Dick wasn't holding back. He could tell he was mad that they got caught by the team. "Okay okay. I get it, jeez..."

"How long have you two been dating?" M'gann asks curiously, she needs to know if this is a good ship to replace the sinking one.

The two look between each other before answering. "Two years." "A few months."

Dick glares at Wally, he didn't want the team to know how long they've actually been dating. Artemis raises an eyebrow, tapping her arm. "Those are two very different answers"

Dick sighs, crossing his arms as he leans against the wall. "We've been dating for two years. I don't know how numbnuts hasn't exposed us yet though."

"Hey-! I'm not that stupid." Wally huffs, Dick rolls his eyes but smiles nonetheless. Wally is cute when he's a little angy.

"Sure you aren't baywatch." Artemis rolls her eyes, turning all her attention to Dick. "How did you even meet dunceface?"

"One of Bruce's gala's. He snuck in and I caught him in the act." He grins, lying about how they actually met but not about how Wally has snuck into Bruce's gala's.

"Is Robin going to be upset once he finds out that you are no longer single Wally?" M'gann asks with a soft frown. Dick snorts a bite while Wally looks dumbfounded for a moment.

"He uh, he already knows?"

"Oh! So he's okay with you dating someone else?" M'gann tilts her head confused, not understanding the situation at hand.

Dick covers his mouth with his hand to hide his giggle. "Yeah? I mean why wouldn't he be?"

"Well I mean, doesn't he like you? From what I can tell Robin has a big crush on you." M'gann says, quickly covering her mouth afterwards. "Oh no, I was not supposed to spill those secrets."

Dick snickers softly, walking over to M'gann and patting her shoulder gently. "It's okay, me and Robin are friends so even if he does like Wally like that, we could share." He winks at Wally who flushes softly.

"Alright, that's enough. Dick, the paparazzi should be gone now. You should get going." Wally pulls Dick's arm gently.

"Mm, be my bodyguard? Just in case." Dick grins, holding Wally's hand gently.

Wally sighs. "Fine. But only because I don't want you to get hurt." Wally's face flushes gently, pulling Dick towards the zeta tube.

After the two zeta to the batcave, Wally hugs him gently. Dick laughs softly, patting the ginger's head gently. "That was close."

'To close...So, am I getting Robin and Dick tonight?~" Wally smirks, kissing Dick's neck gently.

"Shut up! That was a joke!"

Alfred clears his throat. "Ahem. Master Dick, Master Wallace, dinner will be ready shortly. Please refrain from doing anything in the Batcave. Master Bruce will be upset if you do."

The two boys flush heavily at getting caught for a second time today. "Sorry Alfred, we'll be up shortly."

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