Winter Cabin

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"I'd love to come!" Izuku said excitedly as he bounced on his toes.

"Awesome! I'll get you the details once classes are over!" Kirishima beamed.

The red-headed alpha had come up to Izuku towards the end of lunch to come ask him a question on Katsuki's behalf. The question being; would Izuku like to come to a cabin in the mountains with the rest of the Bakusquad?

Of course Izuku said yes, why wouldn't he?

Later that afternoon, once classes were all done, a knock at the door interrupted Izuku who was just about to get his homework out.

"Come on in" the omega called out as he continued to sort his homework out. There were only two more days left in the week before winter break starts so he wanted to try and get all of his over-break work done before it even starts.

"Hey Deku" Katsuki began as he walked into the greenette's room.

"Kacchan! Hi, what are you doing here? Oh, not that I mind you here, I love your company especially now that we've been getting along more! It's just that you rarely come to my room without me having to ask you and I usually just come up to your room. I'm rambling aren't I? I'm sorry, I'll stop now" Izuku hurried out all in one breath, smiling bashfully as his cheeks grew a bright red.

"Stop apologizing, I thought I already told you, it's fine. Anyway, Spiky Hair told me you want to come on the trip" Katsuki spoke, eyeing Izuku with a questioning gaze.

"Oh, uh, yeah. I thought it might be fun? Am I still allowed to go?" Izuku questioned unsurely after seeing the look in the alpha's eyes.

"Yeah, I just don't know why you want to, is all," Katsuki explained. It wasn't like they would be going anywhere special. Katsuki's family owned a little cabin in a nearby forest by the base of a small mountain range. Izuku had actually been there a couple times before in the past when the two were still children.

"Of course I want to! It'll be like old times! Remember that time we were almost snowed in and my mom panicked so hard she almost set the cabin on fire because she was worried we wouldn't be warm enough. It was so scary but so funny at the same time!" Izuku giggled as he reminisced.

"We were 3, how in the heck do you even still remember that?" Katsuki grumbled, somehow fondly regardless of the scowl drawn on his features.

"Well, it was a happy memory for me," the omega explained, smiling softly.

"It wasn't it" the alpha smiled back, his features softening slightly for a moment before going back to their original expression.

"We're packing up for the trip on Saturday so we can be ready to leave on Sunday. We're all meeting at my place, after that I'm gonna drive us up there. Be prepared to spend a couple hours in the car and pack lots of warm clothing" the blonde instructed firmly to which the greenette nodded enthusiastically.

"Do you think you're going to need to go to a store to get anything before we head on up?" Katsuki asked.

Izuku thought about it for a moment. He should probably get another pair of snow boots, his old ones are starting to wear a bit thin. He has enough jackets and few good pairs of pants. Maybe he should look into getting some blankets or pillows.

Seeming to know what the omega was thinking, Katsuki spoke up.

"We have blankets and what not so you can probably make a nest or whatever...if you wanted" Katsuki uncharacteristically mumbled, a slight tint of pink covering his cheeks.

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