Unexpected Saftey (pt. 4)

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The moment Dabi stepped back into the nest room with his staples set a tad farther from the corners of his mouth, he was pushed back by a smaller body crashing into him, almost sending the two of them down to the hard floor.

Quickly wrapping his arms around the body, Dabi looks down to see Izuku gripping onto him for dear life while tears slowly drip from tightly closed eyes.

Looking back to the nest, Shigi sat looking back at the two with relief.

"He's been crying since, like, two minutes into you being gone" Tomura told him. Dabi sighed as he hoisted the shaking omega up into his arms and carried him back over the pile of blankets.

"You couldn't have at least tried to calm him down?" Dabi asked tiredly as he let the greenette cling to him.

"Hey, I tried! He's clingy and thought that he seriously hurt you. He was afraid you wouldn't want him" Tomura defended, his arms crossed in front of his chest as he pouted.

Dabi hummed at the secondhand confession. He watched as the greenette cuddled into his arms. He didn't quite know what to think when the boy the league had been trying to hunt down started purring.

Raising his eyes once more, Dabi saw a sadness hidden behind Tomura's ruby eyes, one that was not likely reflected in his own blue as well.

They were both thinking the same thing, what happens when this is over?

Their thoughts were cut short - or at least Dabi's were - when Izuku started to lightly scent the alpha. The younger came up to lap at the barely functional gland before running his own neck against the spot.

The alpha couldn't hold back his groan if he tried. It was such an innocent action, yet the way those green eyes blinked up at him so sweetly made him want to do things to this pretty little omega in his lap. Not surprisingly, the omega was having similar thoughts.


Tomura came around behind the alpha, laying his head on the opposite shoulder and pressing his nose into the gland on the alphas neck.

Dabi shuddered at the attention from the omegas, not used to the feeling of being scented from both sides.

After scenting, Tomura began to mouth at Dabi's neck moving down to the alphas shoulder until he was mouthing at the clothe of Dabi's loose v-neck.

"Hey" Dabi reprimanded soft yet firm as he tugged on the omegas arm until he lost his balance and fell face up on the thigh Izuku wasn't currently straddling.

The moment Tomura opened his mouth again, no doubt trying to protest, the alpha stuck his thumb into Shiggy's mouth, pressing down on his tongue while his forefinger held the bottom of his jaw.

"Hush, mouse"

Almost immediately the blue omega started purring. The weight of the alphas thumb pressing on his tongue calmed as well as excited him. Wrapping his gloves hands around Dabi's forearm, Tomura pulled the digit even further into his mouth, the pad of his thumb now resting towards the back of the omegas mouth while the alphas four remaining fingers laid gently splayed on the side of Tomura's jaw.

Izuku whined, wanting attention just like the other was getting. Dabi was hesitant though. He didn't know how far would be too far. He had no idea where the line was and how much it would take to cross that line with not only the omega, but the omegas pack.

He knew he had to be careful, so he gently brought up his free hand to caress the back of Izuku's neck, fingering through the curls at the base of greenettes skull.

"What do you need, baby?" Dabi asked slowly so the omega in heat could understand and hopefully think over the answer.

Izuku quietly whined again, this time a bit more thoughtful as he tried to sort through his jumbled and incoherent thoughts for a possible answer. His eyes trailed from Dabi's eyes to the floor and finally back up when he had an answer.

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