Winter Cabin (pt. 2)

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Izuku woke up the next morning to the sound of footsteps against the wooden floor. Whining quietly at the sound, he tried burrowing even deeper into the warmth surrounding him.

"Thank you Mina" the omega heard from above, wondering who's voice it was.

"It's no problem, just let us know when he wakes up, okay" a second voice said before Izuku heard the footsteps retreat out of the room, softly closing the door behind them.

"You can stop pretending now, Katsuki. Mina left"

"Who the hell gave her permission to just barge in here, anyway?"

"She's just worried, all of them are. It only makes sense that they want to all they can to help, including Mina"

Izuku pressed his face against his pillow in a bid to try and muffle the noises around him. But all it did was cause the two to chuckle.

"Well, they probably won't have to wait much longer"

"Hey, Izu. Are you feeling better?" A voice asked him directly. This got the greenette opening his eyes fully at the question, trying to figure out who these two people were.

The first he noticed was that his pillow wasn't exactly a pillow. Angling his eyes up further above, he was met by another pair of red eyes and blond hair.

"Kacchan?" Izuku asked, thoroughly confused on why he was laying on top of his childhood friend.

"You still look a little cold, how are you feeling?" The second voice asked, a hand coming to rest on his cheek.

Turning his head to the side, he came face to age with a red-headed alpha.

"Kiri?" The omega asked. Taking a moment, he looked at the situation he was in. Strangely enough he was only wearing a soft pair of pajama pants, but the two alphas were still all dressed in jeans and thick winter sweaters.

Cocking his head to the side, he looked at the two alphas in confusion. Suddenly, a wave of heat washed over him before settling in his lower stomach.

He leaned into the warm hand, still placed his cheek, wanting to tug the alpha to be even closer.

"His lips are still a faint blue, so is his nose" Katsuki told the other alpha.

Not registering what the blonde was saying, Izuku surged toward, trying to bury his nose into Katsuki's neck where his scent gland was located. He did his best to breathe deeply through his stuffed up nose in a bid to try and take the alphas burnt caramel and smoky pine scent.

Izuku whined desperately when he failed to be able to pick up any sort of scent. Lifting his head he looked at the blonde with tears green eyes.

Turning quickly to face the red-head, Izuku grabbed his arm and tugged him forward, tucking his face into the alphas neck in hopes that maybe he'll be able to catch a trace of his usual graphite and bay leaf scent.

Yet again, he couldn't pick up anything. But, why? Why couldn't he smell anything? Is he broken?

Wait, didn't Kacchan say something about his nose being blue? Did that mean he was cold? What was he-

His questions suddenly cut off as a wave of calm washed away his panicked thoughts.

The two alphas could bear to watch the omega panic as he was, so they did their best to calm him by releasing calming pheromones. Even though the greenette may not be able to smell them, their pheromones should be able to help in physically relaxing him.

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