Territorial (pt. 1)

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To say Izuku was tired was an understatement. A severe one at that, he was practically dead on his feet by the time he got back to his room from his evening training with Kacchan and All Might.

Throwing his stuff at the foot of his bed then flopping down onto his mattress, he sighed in relief to finally be able to relax his muscles and become a puddle of green on his blankets.

Unfortunately the bliss of finally laying down after being on his feet all day was short lived. He still had homework.

Izuku groaned as he heaved himself off the bed before stumbling to his desk, grabbing his stuff off of the floor again as he did.

Sitting down, the omega took out everything that needed to be done from his backpack and began to sort through them, deciding to start with the assignment that would take the longest to finish.

As he tried to start his assignment for his math course, Izuku couldn't help listening to the sounds on the other side of the marginally thin walls. He was getting a new floor mate.

Normally Izuku would be hyper excited and want to talk and make sure the new member feels welcome and has everything they need. Unfortunately that might have to wait until the morning,

He knows that Aizawa had come into the common room the other day to announce the new person, but since he couldn't quite remember what was said he was guessing he was busy with homework then as well. He wondered if he was even in the same room when it happened.

It felt like hours had passed before he was finished with math, although he wasn't sure just how much of it was actually right. He didn't much care at that moment though, just glad he'd have something to turn into class the next day.

Izuku heard a gentle knock on the door as he reached for his next assignment. Already having an idea of who it was, Izuku called for them to enter.

"Why aren't you in bed already?" Katsuki demanded calmly as he crossed the dorm room only to place a bowl of food in front of the tired omega.

"I still have a lot of stuff to do first. I'll go to bed soon, I promise" Izuku tried to explain, but the blonde just wasn't having it. The alpha quickly grabbed the paper Izuku was working on and held it just high enough that the omega wouldn't be able to reach.

"This isn't due for another couple more days, nerd. It can wait until tomorrow" Katsuki said, setting a firm hand on the omegas shoulder so he could gently push him back down into his seat.


"But Kacchan, I ne-"

Before Izuku could even finish the word, Katsuki was shoving a spoon into his mouth.

"Shut up and eat. If you want it done that badly I can help you, but only after you get a full night's sleep" The blonde grumbled.

"Thank you Kacchan" the omega mumbled through another spoonful of soup.

"Yeah yeah" Katsuki responded, fighting back a blush.

The alpha watched as the omega enjoyed his food. Eventually Izuku finished, thanking Katsuki as he handed him the bowl back.

Unfortunately the greenette was more tired than he thought as he started nodding off during the transfer, causing his hands to slip and the bowl almost crashing to the floor.

Katsuki was just able to catch the bowl as well as Izuku before either of them hit the floor. Even though the blond was extremely put out at the situation he couldn't help but smile at the omega in his arms desperately trying to stay awake.

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