Consensual Scenting...?

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Ever since the dorms were established and the students were able to move in, they had set up schedules in order to keep track of their busy lives.

Everything from studying, training, their free time and even when they would go grocery shopping.

Every other Saturday towards the morning, a group of three to four students would be sent out to the local stores in order to be able to get whatever was needed.

This Saturday, that group just so happened to consist of two betas, an alpha and the pack omega. Hanta Sero, Denki Kaminari, Mezo Shoji, and of course, Izuku Midoriya.

"Can we get some ice cream while we're out?" The greenette asked hopefully.

"If we can get our shopping done, then I don't see why not" Shoji responded with a hidden smile. Who could say no to such an innocent question?

"Yay! We should split up then so it goes faster!" Izuku cheered as they arrived at the store, which was thankfully a good walking distance from the campus.

"That sounds like a good idea!" Denki agreed. "I call Sero!"

Soon enough, the two pairs split off, Denki and Sero headed to the produce while Izuku and Shoji went off to the section of the store that held the everyday household items.

"So, where to first?" Izuku asked Shoji, who was already looking at their half of the list.

"Well, it looks like we need to get some more plates. I can only guess someone got into another fight with Bakugo in the kitchen again" The taller speculated. Izuku giggled at the image the explanation created in his mind. Chances are that's exactly what happened.

"Maybe we should start getting plastic plates?" Izuku suggested.

They continued on like this the entire time they were shopping, heading to different areas of the store so they could cross items off their list.

All the while, Izuku chattered about a myriad of different subjects ranging from homework assignments to different uses for the different items that went in their cart.

Shoji was one of the more quiet students in their class, granted not as quiet as Koda, but he was a close second. So he was more than content to listen to the omega talk about this and that, it was actually rather enjoyable.

"The last item on our list is a non-corrosive set of sewing needles," Shoji said as put the list back into his pocket.

"Huh, I didn't know Mina could sew" Izuku thought out loud. "It makes sense though considering her quirk is acid. There's probably a lot of things she's accidentally corroded over the years she's had to fix herself. I wonder if-" Izuku continued on his little mumbling rant as Shoji led him through the store, making sure he would run into anything or anyone.

When they got to the aisle that held the sewing and knitting materials. Shoji let go of Izuku's hand in order to reach up for the needles Mina needed, but when he turned back to look at Izuku, he was gone.

He looked away for one second and Izuku disappeared! This isn't good.

Shoji couldn't help but panic. It was an unspoken rule for the pack that Izuku couldn't be left alone during their outings because he would undoubtedly find trouble.

Abandoning the basket, Shoji took off. Taking out his phone, he dialed Sero's number.

"Hey, what-"

"Izuku's gone. I took my eyes off him for one second and now he's disappeared!" the alpha all but yelled.

"What? Okay, where was the last place you saw him, we'll start looking too" Sero rushed out.

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