Nesting Habits

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It was hard for Izuku Midoriya to be himself at times. He was either caught up in trying to be the best hero he could for those in need, or being a perfect student for his teachers, or even just trying to fit into this preconceived role of being the perfect Omega.

He's struggled with these and more ever since he presented right before middle school. But that was all in the past.

He's met so many people since then who have treated him so differently then what he was used to. Instead of being ignored, he was acknowledged, he finally had friends who cared for him, the teachers stepped in when things went wrong and helped when it was needed.

He had never had a pack before, all he ever had was his mother. But since joining the heroics course, he felt loved and like he had a place among them.

Which leads him to the present.

"What do you think of this one?" Ochaco asked Izuku, holding up a dress she had found.

It was a pretty rose red dress with puffed sleeves and a slightly darker shade of red at the skirt that flared at the hips and went down to the ankle.

"It's a really color on you, it brings out the amber in your eyes" Izuku responded, watching as his friend debated getting it.

It wasn't often that Izuku went to the mall, but when he did he was usually accompanied by the same few people: Ochaco, Mina, Momo, Asui, and Toru. Every now and then Denki or Jiro would join them, but today it was just the six of them.

"Are you going to but anything, Midoriya?" Asui asked as she sat next to him holding her items in a little bag.

"I was thinking of getting this," Izuku responded as he showed her a large, soft, ombre purple bundled blanket.

"For your nest?" Asui guessed, Izuku blushed a bit as he nodded, then asked Asui the same question, gesturing to the bag in her hand.

Soon enough the group of high schoolers were making their way out of the mall to head back to the dorms.

Once Izuku closed the door to his room, he took his blanket out from the bag and unbundled it. As soon as it was unwrapped, he nuzzled his face into it, reveling in how soft it was. It was a relatively large blanket and had the prettiest colors of purple ever.

Taking the blanket, Izuku walked over to his bead and started to strip the comforter and sheets from the mattress before strategically relaying them out in a poorly structured half circle.

He needed more things.

Checking the clock, he saw that it was around 7, the others would be starting dinner soon so that would mean everyone would most likely be down in the common room.

Quietly sneaking into the elevator to avoid disturbing anyone, he made his way up to the third floor. He hurriedly got what he needed and rushed into his room.

His nest closed to a full circle now, but still looked rather pathetic. It was missing something.

Again, he made his way out of his room, listening carefully for signs of people, before making his way to the elevator and up to the fourth and fifth floors.


Not many of the other members of class 2-A were too worried when Izuku didn't come down for dinner. More often than not, he either lost track of time due to class work or updating his hero notes in his journals.

It had happened enough times that they had all grown used to it and would just bring food up to his room to remind him to eat.

Like clockwork, at 8:15, Katsuki left the common room in order to get ready for bed. NObody really batted an eye at this either. They all had their own schedules for things that they liked to keep track of. What no one had expected though was an angry yell that could be heard all the way from the fourth floor.

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