Chapter 10 - Calling the Shots

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 Hey Cuties, I tried to take my time writing this chapter. This is the first smut I've ever written so im a little self conscious about it aha.

I hope yall enjoy it and can give me input on how to make it better

xoxo , M


Penetrative Sex, Fingering, Praise, Degradation, Teasing, Light Chocking

and I think that's it aha

You went to work that Monday with the worst fucking mood. You hadn't spoken to Spencer since that night which was weird because you guys texted everyday.

You went into the elevator of the FBI headquarters, praying that you wouldn't have a case that involved speaking to Reid. In that moment it was like the universe sent you a big "fuck you" when you saw Spencer make his way into the elevator.

He saw you and stared at you for a second before he walked in. "Morning, Y/N" he said in his usual happy tone. You couldn't handle pretending you were content with him right now so you just opted for a "Morning, Dr. Reid" which is what you would call him when you were mad according to him.

He clicked the emergency button on the elevator so it would stop, making you gasp in shock.

"Why the hell did you do that?" you screamed making your way to fix it. Spencer blocked the buttons with his body and made you look up at him with his hand under you chin.

"Why are you angry?" he said, sounding angry himself.

You took his hand of your face and responded in a sarcastic tone, "Mad? Why would I be mad when I just asked my best friend a question ,that is very important for me to know the answer too, and he completely ignored me and walked out without his shoes? Pfft ,not me"

He rolled his eyes at you, feeling annoyed at you bringing up this subject again. He honestly just wanted you to get over it so he would never have to explain what he meant. He was to scared to ruin your friendship he was so fond of.

"Really Y/N?" he paused to give a dramatic effect. "You're still pressing the subject when I clearly don't feel comfortable answering it?"

"Why do you feel uncomfortable, its a simple question?" you say as you cross your arms and tap your fingers against them. As you were staring into his eyes you realized you had assumed Reid liked you because of what he said ,but what if all of that was all in your head. Then again what if it wasn't in your head and it was real. You couldn't let that go, you had to have him and if you had to give him a little push you were glad to do so.

He didn't answer once more, his silence being an answer itself.

"Spencie, I don't mean to assume" you said as you got closer to him. "But you know why I think you don't want to answer the question"

He subconsciously leaned in towards you, mimicking your movements.

"Why Y/N" he answered almost as a whisper ,clearly getting nervous at the lack of space between you.

"I think you're afraid" you say finally standing in front of him, your noses almost touching.

"Afraid of what?" he asked licking his lips. You could feel his breath on you sending shivers down your spine. Wishing desperately that he kissed you right then and there, but you also liked to be a tease so you wouldn't give in so easily. You started to put your hands through his hair and pulled it a little, moving his head so he was staring deep into your eyes.

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