Chapter 33 - Second Chances

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You were sitting quietly in the hospital waiting room,  trying to wrap your head around what the fuck just happened.


You turned around at the sound of your name, watching Garcia run to you with her arms open wide.

"My sweet girl!" she exclaimed while embracing you in a hug. "What the hell happened?"

"I-I dont know" you answered a bit dazed. "We- we just wanted to get ice cream and... and then the guy pulled out a gun...."

You began to tear up once again, staring at the wall as you recollected the memories of that bastards face.

"He- he laughed and shot him... And I just fucking stood there, and I did nothing..."

"Y/N, dont you dare! This was not your fault, do you hear me?!"

"What happened?!" you heard Morgan scream out from behind you. You looked at him with tear filled eyes, you didn't want to explain it again. You just couldn't do it.

"Spencer" whispered Garcia. "He was shot.."

You watched Morgans body go numb, his face turning pale at the news.

"He's in surgery.." you announced softly, trying to give them a sense of hope. A hope that you could cling off from before you lost your fucking mind.

"How long has he been in there?"

"Two hours.." you whispered sounding absolutely defeated.

A couple of minutes later the rest of the team walked in. JJ and Emily walked over to comfort you, whispering their everything will be okays and he'll be just fines as they hugged you tight.

"Can you tell us anything about the man who shot Reid?" Hotchner asked you in a stern voice. You knew he loved Spencer like a son, this must be driving him insane.

"He was a white male, looked to be in his mid twenties. He had blue eyes and what looked like dyed blonde hair. He had a scar on his left eyebrow and was carrying a Beretta M9. He had an accent, sounded like he was from New York..."

Everyone stared at you in awe, they couldn't believe how you could remember such details in such a state of shock.

"Okay, that's good Y/N. Ill have every single fucking agent and cop look for a man with that description until we find him!" Morgan blurted out as he hugged you.

Your body fell into his arms, you hadn't realized how exhausted you were. You almost felt... numb.

You all waited and waited, until finally the doctor walked into the room. You stood up, ready for him to tell you how the surgery went.

"For Spencer Reid?"

"Yes! Thats us!" you exclaimed as you approached him. "How did the surgery go doctor?"

He took in a deep breath and looked through a file, you wanted to punch him for not answering your questions quickly enough.

"Are you Y/N, Y/L/N?"

"Yes, Doctor!"

"Okay Miss Y/L/N, your boyfriend just got out of surgery. He lost a lot of blood, but with a transfusion we were able to stabilize him. He is currently being assigned a room and is to be kept here at least 48 hours for observation."

"Oh my god" you sighed in relief, feeling like a huge weight just got off your chest. "Can we see him?"

"Of course! He might still be a little groggy from the meds though, so dont get to excited..."

In Plain Sight (Spencer Reid x Reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now