Chapter 28 - Life and Death

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Spencer POV

It has been a three months since you lost Y/N.

Theee months that had been full of cloudy days and sleepless nights as you adjusted to life without her.

The whole team had to go through a psych evaluation before even thinking of looking for new cases. Fortunately everyone on the team was given the green light, well everyone except for you.

You were frustrated at first, but you began to realize that it was for the better that you took a bit more time off.

You wouldn't say that you were completely done grieving over her death. You still would wake up in the middle of the night sometimes, shaking and thinking you heard her voice off in the distance.

One night, you woke up screaming as your nightmare was about you trying to stop Y/N from bleeding out but no matter how much fabric or bandages you used to press her wound, her blood would always come seeping through.

Garcia would come in and help you wake up. She would sometimes make you sleep in the living room so she could keep an eye on you.

You had talked to her about moving back to your own place, but as you made the suggestion you saw how her face changed into one of sadness. So, you decided that a couple of more weeks of invading her space wouldn't hurt.

Its not that you didn't like being with Garcia, it's just that you wanted to get used to being alone. With Y/N gone, your weekends and friday nights would probably be spent in your apartment, watching one of those cheesy romantic movies that she liked so much and pretend that she was still with you.

Three days ago was the teams first day back to work, which inspired you to finally go to Y/Ns apartment to clean it out. Her landlord had seen that you were listed as an emergency contact and called you to pick up her things. You had also called her parents, informing them that you were more than willing to send all of her belongings by mail so they could have a final say on what stays and what gets donated.

They thanked you and said that you could keep whatever you wanted.

You had borrowed Garcias old car she still had parked on the complex, heading over to Y/Ns while listening to the radio.

You finally got to the parking lot of her apartment building, taking your time as you find a spot to park and hold yourself together.

You finally step out of the vehicle and pop the trunk open. There you had boxes upon boxes to put her belongings inside of them.

Walking over to her front door, you remembered the key that she left for you under the plant she kept outside. You grabbed it and proceeded to unlock the door, taking a deep breath in as you opened it slowly.

The sight of her comfy blue couch honestly made you tear up a bit as you remembered how she used to play with your hair while watching a movie or talked about her day as you laid in her arms.

You stepped inside and closed the door, running your hand through it as you did so. You had so many good memories from this place, it had brought you a sense of joy that you hadn't felt in a while.

As you began to look around, new memories where brought up in every corner. While doing this, you began to pack up some of her stuff. You did the kitchen first, then the bathroom, and finally you moved onto her bedroom.

Going through her closet was... extremely difficult to say the least. As you were putting her clothe into the boxes you spotted something, her satin purple dress.

You pulled it off the hanger and stared at it while you gripped it in your hands, staining it with the tears that began falling of your eyes. You sighed as you couldn't seem to let the piece of fabric go.

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