Chapter 13 - First Date

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Shes a a little boring, im sorry about that but i promise the next chapter will be more juicy and will look for a good song to replace this wonderful picture with ahahah 😉
Warnings: lovey dovey shit pt 2

You felt tears streaming down your face at Spencers question. You were honestly shocked and thought the day would never come were someone would tell you those three words.

Looking into his glassy eyes, you answered.

"Are you sure? Im kind of mean" you said while swiping a tear away and laughing, trying to process what he was asking of you. You hadn't been in a real loving relationship before. You've only ever had one serious relationship in your life , and it wasn't exactly romantic.

"Y/N I fell in love with you the moment I saw you and as I got to know every inch of your being I just fell for you even more. So to answer your question, yes im sure" he said with a laugh and cupping your face with his hands.

You leaned into them and smiled at the comfort he brought you. You felt so lucky to be in this moment with him and you never wanted it to end.

"And to answer your question" you said while a
still looking into his hazel eyes and playing with his unruly curly hair. "Nothing would make me happier than to be yours, Doctor"

You leaned into him and gave him a soft yet passionate kiss. You pulled away and watched him as a smile quickly formed on his face, showing you his pearly white teeth.

"Im so glad you said yes I would've been so embarrassed" he said with a chuckle and moving his arm to wrap it around you, starting to look up at the sky full of stars. You did the same and adjusted yourself to watch the beauty above you.

"When have I ever said no to you, pretty boy" you said planting a kiss on his cheek, he blushed and smiled at the sky. You've never felt as happy as you had in this moment, you felt like everything was going in slow motion as the first part of your date went by.

After 2 hours of drinking wine, eating ,and sort of making out under the projection of Jupiter on the roof, you both finally headed out of the museum and waved goodbye to Miss Meg.

You got to the car and buckled in, jumping in excitement as Spencer started the car and began to drive to the next destination.

"Im so happy right now" said Spencer as he put his hand on your lap, making you shiver. You loved that mans hands, they were just so... sexy. Specially when he wore rings, just like he was right now. You stared at it for a little too long before holding it.

"Are you excited for whats next?" asked Spencer turning to you as he stopped at a red light.

"I am beyond excited, like your telling me it gets better than what just happened"

"Only the best for you, Angel"

The traffic light goes green again and he makes a right towards a street you definitely had seen before. You quickly realize you are heading towards the mall.

"Why are we going to the mall, Spencer" you asked confused. You don't remember anything special happening between the two of you there ,so why was he taking you.

"Nothing goes past you huh?" he says as he makes his way into the parking lot, finding the closest spot possible so your feet wouldn't hurt from the heels.

In Plain Sight (Spencer Reid x Reader)✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin