My cheeks blazed and I punched his shoulder, causing him to wince. "Don't remind me of that. That shit was embarrassing."

He chuckled quietly and raised his hands in a 'Okay, okay I'll shut up about it' way. I rolled my eyes, attempting to hide my flushed face by walking a bit further from Erwin but he kept coming close to me.

The building was divided into sections and we both decided to roam around historical period first, trying to focus on a theme and technique and used them to make a connections between certain artworks. It was a good choice to go to an art gallery with Erwin. I didn't even know how knowledgable he was about the subject and I loved listening to him. The way he explained the meaning behind those arts, it was inspiring. His secret passion for art radiated out of him. He played as the tour guide, pointing out things I wouldn't even notice if I was alone.

The gallery was busy, bustling with people. It echoed with voices and footsteps, the occasional shrieking of children. Everything in it looked classical. Huge portraits in elaborated gold frames hung on the walls. I felt so smart with my hands on my back while surveying the pieces as though I was a professional judge, giving out points to them.

We spent the next hours commenting on the paints, overall effect and more. It was mostly Erwin though since I didn't know much about it but he went out of his way to explain things to me in an easy, engaging way. I admired it, every now and then he would give me some times to let me share my opinion and we would debate if we didn't have the same thoughts.

"You definitely got that one wrong." He would said arrogantly.

"Goddammit." And I would say that. "If you're so smart then, become an artist and participate in this whatever you called 'Imaginations' and 'Dreams'."

And we went on and on until we explored almost every part of the building. Trying out different types of brushes and drew on a paper that was prepared by the place for us to use as samples. Honestly, it was a surreal experience.

"I actually come here three years in a row with my father." Erwin spoke. "We came here annually to witness the Portrait of The Year competition. This year I wanted to bring you and it's the final day it's exhibiting."

My heart skipped a beat as my eyes instinctively looked around to see the banners advertising what he's talking about. Wow, I was so busy cherishing the time I had with Erwin until I didn't even know it was exhibiting today. How generous of him to bring me along.

"Okay, let's check them out." I suggested after a while. Erwin agreed and he led me the way as I trailed behind.

We entered another segment of the building which was more quiet than the others that we went. It said 'No Children Allowed' and it was quite understandable. It was a special room, only dedicated to the Portrait of The Year finalists. The room was dimly lit and there was only a few people in here. The walls were painted deep red, raising an intimate tension between me and Erwin. Yeah, who's responsible for this? I just wanna talk.

(A/N: the artworks, names and history mentioned below are all made up by me. This scene is inspired by a novel titled "The Day We Met" by Roxie Cooper.)

I shook the thoughts off and explored the The winner for this year's Portrait of The Year. I was kinda giddy and excited, ready for the masterpiece to blow my mind. Yet, I displayed the signature immobile face that I always show to everyone.

→ softly | eruriDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora