(Jihaan after thinking for a while....)

Jihaan: N..No.! But I had talk to them.!! Well not all but 2 of them..!

Aditya: Can you say with confidence that you know them completely!?

Jihaan: Priya ... yes.!!! But.... not sure for the other one.!

Manav: Priya to I also know.... I have seen and met her as well.....

Aditya: Call her....

Jihaan: What.?

Aditya: Call her..... I want to talk to her.... Call her...

Manav: Okay.... Jihaan... Let's call her.... Just call her and shut this Aditya's mouth..! You idiot.! Still doubting Shanaya..... You don't deserve her at all...

(Jihaan meanwhile calling Priya....... )

Aditya: Put it on speaker....

(Jihaan puts his phone on speaker...)

The number you are trying to reach is not available !!

Everyone gets shocked.....

Jihaan: What the fuck???

Manav: No way.....

Chief: Try our agency's number of Priya....

(Jihaan dialed that number again.....)

The number you are trying to reach is not available!!

(Aditya started to clap and said )

Aditya: Wow.!!!
Just wow.!!! Both of them disappeared????

Manav: Shanaya is kidnapped.!!!

Jihaan: CCTV footage..!!! Let's check the CCTV footage..!

(They went to check the CCTV footage and saw how everything took place.! It was exactly like Aditya described..... just before Shanaya got kidnapped and they could see how it all happened... the footage went blank..... they were just able to see how Mr. Oberoi and Aditya got shot and how she checked Mr. Oberoi and helped Aditya...! They also saw her calling the ambulance.... they saw a guy going behind her back while she stood up ....... and then everything got blank...!)

Manav: Someone tempered it.!!!

Jihaan: Before we can see what happened to Shan..... they destroyed the CCTV footage.! They didn't wanted us to see what happened with her!!! They are such a .....

Aditya: Smart.! She is smart.!

Manav: She.?!!

Aditya: Of coarse.! She knew everything why don't you get it.!!! They just tempered it so we don't know how she left with them.!

Manav: You said you heard a loud banging noise.! They hit her dude!!

Aditya: Did they.??? You know what I am done with this... I am going to my room... Manav please cancel my tomorrow's shoot.! And reschedule it for later this week.... I need to get a break of this Shanaya thingy ... just get it straight... EVERYTHING WAS FAKE.!!!

(He left and so did Chief and Mr. Oberoi....)

Manav: Why can't I believe that she was fake till now.!!

Jihaan: Me neither bro..! But Priya too.??? I can't believe she ditched us.!!!

Manav: You know Shanaya once said just as a casual talk... Nothing happens just like that... Everything has a reason.!

Jihaan: So you are saying if she fake it all out... there is a reason behind it.? You are saying too that she faked it all...??? Seriously.???

Manav: No yaar..! I am just saying to think it like Shanaya.....

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