The Downfall Begins..........

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(Shanaya was still in deep thoughts..... she has ruled out most of her deductions as they were too extreme.!!! She had to pick a way that is not too sweet but also has a hint of her own style..... she was thinking this when Aditya snapped his fingers in front of her face bringing her back to reality....)

Shanaya: Yes....(giving him the best smile she can....)

(Aditya tried his very best to not melt away with that smile and maintain a straight face and said....)

Aditya: I need some peace...... I will be in a meeting via video call right now...... so ...... Fo you mind.???? (Gesturing her to leave the room...)

Shanaya: Ohho..!!!! So you are asking me to leave the room..???

Aditya: Y..yes.!

Shanaya: Then say it....

Aditya: Ms. Shanaya Shekhawat..... Get out of my room.!!!!! (He said this against his will but his heart was broken into pieces as he could see a hint of hurt in Shanaya's eyes...)

Shanaya: That's rude.!!!

Aditya: Look who's talking about being rude.!!!! Now will you leave it should I leave .??? (He apologized multiple times while saying this to Shanaya in his head...)

(Shanaya just got up closed his room's door and left......)

Aditya: Shit shit shit shit.!!!!! Aaaarrrrghh.!!!!!
Well done Mr. Aditya Singh Oberoi.!!! (He sarcastically patted his back...)

(He started his video call and on the other side Shanaya was in her room thinking..... She knew that whatever she has to do... it should be quick as by tomorrow she has to leave and she is having very bad intuitions..!!!)

(She heard a familiar voice breaking her chain of thoughts....)

: Any luck.????

Shanaya: Nope.!! Get in..... Stop being so formal.!! It's annoying!

(Priya took a seat right next to Shanaya's chair and said...)

Priya: What you really wanna do.?

Shanaya: To apologize.!!

Priya: What now.??? (She asked as if she misheard something)

Shanaya: Ya.!!! I need to apologize to him.! I really messed up with his feelings when Virat was here.!!!

Priya: Yaar.!! What happened to you.!!! Why you are always behaving like this when he is around.!

: Cz she always gets some weird vibes when he is around....

Shanaya: Was expecting you.!!!

(Jihaan came in and sat next to Priya....)

Jihaan: I don't know why Shan but these vibes of yours are just not expectable.!!!!

Shanaya: Did I ask you to do anything?? It's just me.!!! Just be like Dixit.!! He never asks me any questions.! Cz he knows I don't just do things.!!! And about "not expectable"
Sweetheart..... "Expect the unexpected..." when I am around.!!!
Anyways I am going to the roof...... I have texted Manav to get me few things.... he must getting them... Send Aditya on the roof by 10 pm....

(Saying this she left leaving completely surprised Jihaan and Priya...)

Priya: I can't believe this is our Shanaya.!!!

Jihaan: Nope.... She is Adi's Shan.....!!!!

(Shanaya reached on the roof and was cleaning up the space she will be using but still her intuitions were not leaving her.....)

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