Chapter 9 - Cuddle Buddies

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"Good morning" you said with a smile and walking over to the bed to give that gorgeous man a hug. He hugged you back and whispered a good morning into your neck, sending shivers down your spine. 

You got up and added the finishing touches to your look, making your way to your door to open it and kick Spencer out. "C'mon bitch, go get dressed I wanna go home already"

"Ugh" he said in a very dramatic tone. He started to get up and make his way out the room. Before he did so though, he stopped to give you a kiss on the top of your head. He finally left and as soon as he did so, you started to think about what he said again.

"NO, no not like this"

Those words started to echo in your mind. What did he mean by that? You really didn't know, but you were sure as hell about to find out.


You all started to get off the jet and made your way into an SUV. You got into the one Spencer and Emily were and buckled in. They took you to the FBI building  and Hotch gave you all the weekend off, saying the paperwork could wait for Monday.

You were making your way to the elevator when you had an idea. "Spence?" you asked in a sweet voice. "What's up?" he said as he turned around to face you.

"Umm, you wanna come to my place and watch a movie? I really don't wanna be alone right now" you said with an innocent voice knowing damn well you were about to question the fuck out of him as soon as you got there.

"Yes of course" he said with a smile. You both got into the elevator and made your way into your car. You started to drive and stopped at Spencer's for a bit so he could get some clothe and some toiletries so he could sleep over. He got his things quickly and you started to make your way to your apartment. You finally get there and get to your front door. You open it quickly and made your way into your room to shower and change finishing almost instantly. You let Spencer take a quick shower as you finished changing and went to the kitchen to make some popcorn, hearing  Spencer step out of the shower.

He finally walked out of your room, wearing a black t-shirt and some grey sweatpants making it hard to not stare. You walked over to your couch and patted the spot next to you. Spencer got the memo and sat next to you putting his arm around you nervously. You decided to watch Mean Girls tonight, which filled you with the upmost joy. Spencer on the other hand seemed very bored, he only seemed to like the scenes Rachel McAdams was in. "Men" you thought to yourself as you noticed this. 

You finally finished the movie and proceeded to start the conversation you were dreading yet excited to have. "Okay, Spencer?" you said as you turned to look at his pretty face. " I think you and I both know there's an elephant in the room and I would like to address it the easy way where you don't pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about ." 

"What do you mean?" Spencer said confused while putting popcorn into his mouth.

"Okay so, I see your choosing the hard way" you say while standing up and sitting on the table right  in front of him so you could look at him right in the eyes.

"I mean that... I would like to know why you didn't kiss me when Valentine had a gun to my head" you said resting your head on your hand waiting for his answer. His eyes grew wide and he stayed silent. "C'mon, go ahead talk" you said waving your hand as a sign for him to continue. 

He finally spoke with a stutter "U-Umm, I just didn't want to give you a kiss, is that so bad?" 

You smiled at him knowing damn well he was lying. You got up and started to sit on his lap, getting as close to his face as you possibly could without actually touching. He got visibly nervous and whispered to you, "y/n, what are you doing?" 

You answered him with your own question, "what did you mean by not like this?"

He got you off his lap as quick as he could and started to head towards the door. "Shit, would you look at the time I got to go" he said while trying to find his shoes. "Spencer, your sleeping over, remember?" you said crossing your arms, mad that he was avoiding the question.

 "Uh , yeah changed my mind. Have you seen my shoes?" he said while looking under your couch like a mad man. He kept going around the room looking for those goddamn shoes. You knew they were under your bed because you purposely put them there for this exact reason.

 "Spencer Walter Reid, I'm going to ask you this one more time and if you don't answer with the truth so help me god." you paused as you made sure he was paying attention. "Now ,what did you mean by not like this?"

He looked at you as if he was about to break and you were so sure he was. Then he hits you with this while he started to open the door, "You know what? Who needs shoes their a social construct, I don't need them. Do you them? Couldn't be me, umm bye Y/N see you at work!"

He shuts the door loudly as he got out of your apartment. You were absolutely baffled at the way all of this played out. You were so sure he was going to at least say he liked you or something. You were so angry that he didn't answer your question and completely dismissed you . Now, you had to find out why he said what he said even if it blows up in your face in the end.

In Plain Sight (Spencer Reid x Reader)✔️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat