Intrusive thougths (in a scarred mind)

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Intrusive thoughts:
Intrusive thoughts are thoughts that seem to become stuck in your mind. They can cause distress, since the nature of the thought might be upsetting. They may also reoccur frequently, which can make the concern worse. Intrusive thoughts may be violent or disturbing.

TW:  food??, referenced sexual thoughts,  thinking of murder/injuries (nothing happens tho), possibility of hurting oneself or others, thoughts of willing death

Wild was cooking (for the group, as usual), cutting vegetables, meat, ect. when a thought entered his mind 'What if you stab yourself in the stomach'.

Wild stare at his knife for a little longer than he should have, silently looking at it, taking in every details, he turns it around, so the sharp side is facing him, slowly pulling it closer and closer to himself before a voice make him come back to present.

"Wild! What are you making!" say Wind with his usual happy-go-lucky voice.
'What if you stab him' (What? Nonononono. He can't do that)
"Uhhh" his voice trail off "I was- hum,  I was making Mushroom Risotto...."

And with that Wind trot away, seemingly satisfied with the answer.

Wild goes back to his task, silently watching it cook before he think of something else 'How does it feel to die from a fall? Try jumping from a cliff' (nope, not going back to that corner of his mind today.) 'Mipha would save you. Think about it.'

A few hours goes by and Wild find himself with the first night watch (he already hate it, knowing what will happen)
'They're all nicely sleeping, you could just choke Time to death right now.' (nice. Not what he wanted to think about for the rest of the night.)
He try to stop thinking about those unwanted thoughts (it feels like he has no control over his own mind).... to no avail. It keeps tormenting him until it's time to switch the look out.

He goes up to Legend, being the second one to take the watch (everyone hates being the second, it's always hard to go back to sleep after a few hours of scanning the close areas).
Legend wakes up unwillingly while Wild make his way to his bed, silently curling in ball and falling asleep.

A few hours later, after waking up dozens of time because of nightmares, Link finally gets up, half of the group is already awake. (Twilight, Time and Warriors are always the first one to be up with him, Sky can sleep trough everything)

Flash of image of him being on top of Sky surge trough his head, Wild shake his head fast trying to make disappear the disturbing pictures (nononono WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM???? WHY DOES HE THINK OF THAT??? THAT'S NOT HOW HE SEES SKY!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM!?!) [I want to precise to anyone reading this fic, people experiencing intrusive thoughts can think of doing things to their loved one without having any control over those thoughts, they know they don't want to kill or f*ck their loved one, that's the whole point of intrusive thoughts, they're intrusive and cause distress for the ones experiencing them. Intrusive thoughts are not only about harming yourself and other people, it can be about anything. Also, if you experience recurring intrusive thoughts, and I mean that in the most respectful way, please seek help or talk abt it to someone you trust, it will make your life easier (: ]

Wild quickly walk to Twilight, giving him a hug 'you could easily cut off an arm' (nope! Don't need to know that!), 'or stab him in the back' he's clearly upset but still hope Twilight doesn't pick up on it.

"Cub? What's wrong?" Wild shake his head, no, "You don't want to talk about it?" He nods his head, Twilight hum silently as Wild let go of his mentor.
"Come to me when you're ready" Wild give a silent thumb's up.


They're fighting moblins. Now is not the time to have those things in his mind

'wait! Think about it, if you get hurt by a moblin how will you feel? Like what sort of pain and where?'
(This is not something he wants to find out)
'Are you sure? You just gotta put yourself in harm way, and then, BAM!'
(Thanks, but he'll pass, maybe next time.)

'What  about the others, how will you feel if you hurt them?'
(Guilty? Bad?)
'maybe you'll enjoy them suffering'
(.... nice, ok, ummm.)

Wild escape a swing from the enemy in front of him, nearly getting hit by an other one coming from behind.

'You missed it! Damn it! A little bit more to the left and you would've known'

Wild see a Lynel entering the camp, he immediately know he has no other choice.

He runs up to it and attack it once, before darting to the cliff, the Lynel following close behind.

It's hot breath tingles on Wild's neck as he speeds up before jumping, immediately falling from the cliff, with the Lynel doing the same thing. 'these things are so stupid, next time, try jumping on it's back.'

The lynel dies at soon as it hits the ground, it's weight having made it fall faster than Wild. He's about to take his paraglider before the small voice in the back of his head ask him to wait until the last moment, so he can see if he has fast reflex or he dies. He does exactly that (the other Links are panicking) and begin to fly only meters from the ground. It was a close call.


He climbed the cliff,, again,,

His own voice laughs, 'do you really think the heroes wants you to be here? What a joke! You're always hurting yourself and use all the potions.' His thoughts are supposed to be one of the only things he can rely on, but since he woke up from his hundred year sleep, it seems to take every chance to prove him wrong.

"Wild!! Why did you jump like that???" Wind exclaims, clearly worried for his fellow traveler.
The taller Link offers a forced smile, "Don't worry, just tryin' something."

Time walk up to Wild and begin to lecture him about how «it's dangerous and he shouldn't do that» which is,, kind of true but don't tell him that he agreed. Take that confession to your grave.

This shit has been sitting in my drafts, done, for the past two years, I'm very nervous abt posting it since I do not experience intrusive thoughts and I'm scared of misrepresenting the people who do have them, if that's the case, please tell me, I'll either fix the things I got wrong or take the fanfic down, thank you.


Notes from two years ago:

I'm sorry for not uploading, my motivation went 📉📉📉📉 and I'm already trying to motivate myself to finish writing my other book for my account on ao3 :')

I feel like I've lost my grip on their personalities and I feel bad now qwq, hol' up ✋ lemme just go read a couple hundred of LU fanfics and I'll back

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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