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I like seeing my name on shit
It makes me feel included

I don't feel included often
I feel like the world happens
And I'm just watching
And the people watching me probably feel about the same
But I won't talk to them
They're weird and pathetic

And at least I have my name on shit
Some people don't even get talked to
No names on anything
There must be something wrong with them

Yes, my name is on shit
One or two things
Maybe people didn't like me that much
Maybe I was too strange for them
Not that strange
But definitely somewhat

And the people with their names on everything
Fuck they must be so happy
To be so included
Not strange at all
Are they like everyone else?
Do they fit the perfection rubric?
Are they perfect?

Nah no one's perfect
I just wonder who they're watching
While the whole world watches them

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