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"So...where are we going?"

"Can't tell you. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a surprise.", Spencer walked up behind Atticus and wrapped his arms around her waist while she was doing her makeup.

"That's real cute, but I kinda have to know so I can pick an outfit."

"Don't worry about that, and you might wanna take it easy with the makeup."

Att looked at him in the reflection of her now-repaired mirror, "Ouch."

"No, that's not what I meant.", he kissed her cheek a few times, "I just have a feeling it's not gonna last long."

"What the fuck does that mean?", Spencer raised his eyebrows and shrugged as he walked away. Attici kept it simple, loose light-washed skater jeans, an over-sized pulp fiction t-shirt, a pair of high-top Converse (to go with Spencer's), and her hair tied back in a low messy bun with a few strands pulled out to frame her face.

As they got to the car, Reid pulled a blindfold out of his pocket and handed it to her, "You've got to be kidding."

"Quite the opposite, I am dead serious."

"Can't I just like--take my glasses off, since you forced me to wear them. I won't be able to see anything anyway."

"Fine, I suppose that'll work", he laughed and kissed her softly.


Spencer finally parked after driving for a few hours and he handed Atticus the blindfold and a pair of headphones. She looked at him with an exasperated look, "Just put them on."

She sighed, "Ugh, fine."

Reid came back to the car a few times, gathering things and setting them up before finally taking Atti's hand an guiding her. He took of the blindfold revealing the surprise location and his setup. There was a blanket splayed across the sand with a pair of canvases, a few of Att's oil pants, her polaroid camera, and her guitar, "What do ya think?", he asked with a huge smile.

"I think that I love you", she giggled, "But also how did I not notice that you stole all of this from my apartment?"

"I don't know. To be honest, I was shocked you didn't."

She leaned upwards to kiss him softly before slipping her shoes off and dashing towards the water. She jumped in, before coming back up to the surface and giggling at Spencer's expression, "Come here!"

"Atti, no!"

"Why not?"

"Because it's freezing!"

"Don't be such a fucking buzzkill!"

He sighed deeply, "Fine", he walked reluctantly to her. She pulled him by the arm underneath the water with her.

"Ah! I was right, it's freezing.", he laughed brushing his now soaked hair out of his eyes.

"Yeah, I know", she responded, her teeth chattering slightly.

Spencer picked her up and started to walk back to the blanket with her, "Not to mention the fact that I still had socks on. And I hate the sand."

"Wow, we are just full of complaints today. Aren't we?", she laughed.

Spencer started to dig through one of her backpacks, "I brought extra clothes because I knew this would happen.", he chuckled.

"You really do know me too well, it's kinda scary."


Some time had passed and Atti was using one of the picture she had taken of Spence as a reference for her painting.

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