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The past few months were...rough? Maybe that's not the right word. But things were definitely harder with Atticus in Japan and Spencer still in Virginia. Because of the time difference, they mostly exchanged letters and confusing 'good morning' and 'good night' texts that didn't align with their own correct time zone. Though, all this did make it a lot easier for Atticus to hide her relationship from others.

She had been dragged out to a bar with the girls she was rooming with and a few others. She was quite reluctant, which the other girls found weird. Never did they know Atticus Milena Parker to try and turn down a drink. Their suspicions only grew when she barely even touched her vodka tonic.

"Oh, come on, Parker. Cheer up!"

"Yeah! What's wrong?"

"We need to get you laid!"

Her ears perked up at that, "No!"

"Ok, now you're really being weird."

"I thought you and that guy broke up."

Atticus was really starting to regret telling them that. She just figured it would be the easiest way to get them off her back about it.

"Maybe I just don't really feel like fucking some random person right now."

"That's really funny. C'mon."

"I'm serious.", the girls surrounding her exchanged both concerned and suspicious glances.

"Oh, my God!"

"You're a liar!"

"I never said that!"

"You don't have to!"

"Soooo...how's it going?"

"Shut up."

"Haven't you been with him for like three years?"

"Stop talking.", she was now actively drowning herself in drinks.

"Yeah, are you ever gonna get married?", Atticus nearly choked.

"Holy fuck!"

"Is there a ring?"

Her jaw tensed and her face turned pink, "Stop jumping to conclusions!"

"So there's not?"

The silence was deafening.

"Oh, so there definitely is.", they dragged her by the wrist outside.

"Where are we going?"

"Back to our room to find wherever you've been hiding it."

"Damn it."


"Alright, Parker, where is it?"

She sighed and uncrossed her arms, "I hate you guys."

"Less talking more finding."

Atticus opened the closet and pulled out an old Converse box. She rummaged through all the bullshit she had piled on top to conceal the locket, promise ring, and her engagement ring. She put all three items of jewelry back on her, "Well?"

"Holy shit. Someone finally did it. He's domesticated you."

"Ok! Wait! He hasn't done shit to me. I willingly accepted this ring."

"Yeah, who wouldn't? That things fucking huge."

"I take it we're not invited to the wedding?"

"I'll think about it. And you better not tell anyone."

"Why are you so embarrassed?"

"I'm not embarrassed! I just--I don't want people to think that I'm any less...me because I'm engaged. Because I'm not. If anything, it's only fueled my obnoxious ego. And I'll be damned if any of these motherfuckers try to accuse me of throwing everything I worked for here away.--What I'm saying is that just because I wanna get married and I'll probably change my last name it doesn't make me any less 'Atticus Parker'. I'll just be more, 'Atticus R--"

"You don't wanna tell us his last name do you?"

"I'll be more 'Atticus Reid'! Are ya happy now?!"

"Aww, that's got a nice ring to it."

She rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Where are you going?"

"To go write him a letter about my downfall."

"You're right. You really are still your annoying ass, dramatic self."

"Do you want a wedding invitation or not?"

"Should I even expect one?"

"Not if I kill you first, no."

"Alright, alright. Point taken. We'll leave you to write to your lover boy."

"Fuck you."


Spencer's phone rang at about 8 AM. He answered the face time call but was met with Atticus' roommates instead of her, "Oh- - hey guys. Is she ok?"

"Um...depends on your definition of ok."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Long story short, the three of us were teaching some guys how to use small scale explosives, and uh...one of my guys threw one a little too close to her. And it-uh-ruptured her eardrum."

"Who the fuck are you guys talking to?!"

"And she won't come out of the bathroom to talk to us, but we figured she might talk to you."

"I swear to fucking God if you guys are talking to who I think you're talking to, I'm gonna beat the shit out of both of you!"


"Give that shit to me.", she snatched the phone and slammed the bathroom door closed again, "I'm having a bad day."

"I heard. I'm sorry, Bubba. But you need to stop yelling, it might make your ear worse, ok?"

"Yes, I know."

"What's wrong?", he obviously knew that she was pissed, that much was clear, but he could tell there was something else.

"I don't know. I just feel weird."

"Weird, like how?"

She stuttered for a second before taking a deep breath, "Ugh, isn't it stupid that I have a Master's in English Literature and yet I never have a word to explain my feelings?"

"Atti, you're not stupid."

"No, but I feel like it."

"I don't know! I guess being overseas was so much easier before because I never had anything over states. And now that I do, I kinda hate being so far away.", a few tears had slipped down her cheeks, "God damn it! I'm such a pussy!"

"Having emotions doesn't make you weak."

"Yeah, you're one to talk.", she giggled.

"I know, ok! But we're getting there."

"Are we?!"

"I would hope so!", they had both burst into laughter at this point, "And if that was your way of saying you miss me, which it definitely was, I miss you too."

"So do we!!", Garcia and the girls chimes in behind Spencer.

a/n: my ending sucked. it's fine. the chapters where they're apart are so weird to write lol. thank god there won't be anymore.

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