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a/n: i would like to start this by saying i know literally nothing about New Jersey. I dead ass looked up cities in New Jersey and Ridgewood stood out to me. So, if by chance you are from Jersey or Ridgewood, please do not tear me to shreds. again i live in a small town in the bay and I've never even been to the East Coast lol.<3

oh, and I'm pretty sure nothing the BAU does in this chapter is legal. like literally having Att work with the team but it's for the sake of the story. also, almost nothing they do in the show is legal HAHAHHA.

TW: mentions of past abuse, r*pe, and suic*de attempt


Much to Atticus's demise, the team was in Ridgewood before she knew it. Once they landed, Hotch handed Morgan the keys to one of the SUV's before Atticus swiftly swiped them. 

"Woah, woah, lil mama, what makes you think you're driving?"

"Hmm, let's see. I have a better chance of 'vibing it' than you do because I, unfortunately, know this shit hole like a map is engraved on the back of my hand, Spencer drives like a 75-year-old man who doesn't have his glasses on, and Emily's fucking nuts.", Atticus had been on edge all week. Maybe it was the fact she was barely sleeping because she was so worried about Spencer. Or maybe the sobriety was catching up with her. Or maybe it was the fact she had to go back to the town that held 15 years' worth of trauma. 

"Alright, alright. All I'm saying is you have a mean case of road rage."

"What's your point? Deal with it."

Derek's point was proven as soon as they got on the freeway. 

"What the fucking fuck! Since when did every fucker here turn into a little bitch who abides by traffic laws? Motherfuckers who the hell taught you how to drive?! Some little pussy bitch with a stick up their ass?! Damn! How in the fuck is there more traffic here than in D.C.? This shit hole isn't even that big!"

"Atti! Atti! Hands on wheel please! Jesus Christ!"

"Oh my god! Fuck this!", luckily they were right near an exit. Which was unfortunate for the other three in the car as she skirted off the highway. 

"Oh my god! Are you trying to kill us?"

"Bitch, you wish."

Somehow they had managed to make it to the police station in one piece. 

"Officer Ricci--", Hotch extended his hand to the man, "I'm SSA, Aaron Hotchner. These are SSA's, Rossi, Morgan, Prentiss, and Jareau, Dr. Spencer Reid, and I'm sure most of you are familiar with Dr. Parker-Reid."

"Oh, yeah. We know her alright.", the office sighed. Att decided it was best to bite her tongue for now, though she wasn't sure just how long that would last. Of course, the team knew it wouldn't be very long based on the way she clenched her jaw, that piercing look when most of her bright green eyes were consumed by black, and the way she pressed her pen down so fucking hard while drawing on a map with Spencer. She reached her breaking point when she went to go get coffee and her ears were drowning in the condescending remarks being whispered under people's breath. She turned around to the three officers standing behind her. Who just so happened to stay with the department since her teenage years. 

She just blew up, pointing at each of them as she spoke, "Fuck you. Fuck you.", she looked the Seargent dead in the eye, "And especially. Fuck. You."

Att stormed out of the building and naturally Spencer followed her, "What the hell, Att!"


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