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Atticus repeatedly slipped in and out of consciousness on the way to the ER and each time, Spencer would squeeze her hand a little tighter. 

"She's coding", a paramedic yelled just seconds before they arrived at the hospital. 

"Starting chest compressions", the other replied as the ambulance door flew open and they carried the gurney out. Spencer sat there, frozen, his jaw hanging slightly open and a few tears sliding down his rosy cheeks.


"Hey, kid. How's she doing?", Morgan sat next to Reid and patted his shoulder. 

"She's been in surgery for 72.5 minutes, no update yet"

"What is that?", Derek asked, noticing that Spencer had been fidgeting with something on his finger. 

"I uhm--", he started to dig through his bag and pulled out a small box, "I got her--or us matching promise rings for her birthday. And I-I just remembered that I had them in here and...I don't know", he paused, "It sounds dumb but wearing it right now, makes me feel better--like I'm...closer to her somehow. Even though the other ring isn't on her finger--yet."

"What's with the frogs?", Morgan chuckled a little. The ring around Spencer's finger was a thick silver band with a cut-out shape in the middle, the one that was supposed to be Atti's was a thinner band with the shape of a frog placed in the center.

"Oh", Spence laughed faintly, "They're her favorite. She spent forever going on about all the different types she loves and why; most of her arguments being that they're all so 'tiny' and 'cute'--kinda like her", he blushes realizing what he had just said, "Could you go back to her apartment and pick up some stuff?"

"Yeah just make a list", The boy genius finished scribbling a list onto a post-it note and handed it to Morgan. 

Roughly an hour later Morgan returned with a backpack full of Att's things. Spencer was now surrounded by Aeacus, Appollo, Athena, JJ, Emily, Hotch, and Rossi. 

"Here ya go, kid", he placed the backpack down and handed Spencer a small box. 

"What's in it?", everyone questioned curiously. Spencer pulled back the lid to reveal hundreds--maybe thousands of polaroids. Some of just him, some of just Attici, but mostly of them together. He picks out a specific one, Atticus's head is in his lap, her hair flowing across it, her lips are puckered making a  sort of 'fish face' and her eyes are crossed. He giggles and pulls out another one, this time it's just him in the photo, his hair was messy (clearly from her playing with it) and he was wearing his glasses, he was scrunching his nose up slightly and sticking his tongue out at her. 

He looked at JJ, "Ya know one of the best parts of having an eidetic memory?"


"It's that I remember what her smile looked like or what her giggle sounded like from behind the camera in each of these photos. I remember what her hair looked like and what shirt she was wearing--everything", he choked up a little. 

"She's gonna be ok, Reid", Prentiss comforted him. He nodded and when Atticus' siblings asked to see more photos (along with Spencer's rambling explanations of each of them), he happily obliged. 

Despite Atticus' siblings not knowing the truth about her and Spencer's relationship, they got along fairly well. They told him some pretty interesting things about Atti's life. Including that, she's never lost a fight (yes, even with her brothers), she was a part of almost every extra curricular because she claimed that 'school was too easy', she has a pHd in chemistry (because she figured out how to make cocaine when she was 11), but they saved the thing that intrigued him the most for last. 

"I can't believe she's never told you any of that", Apollo laughed. 

"Did she ever tell you she did modeling in college?", Athena asked. 

"What? No", Spencer was shocked, but he wasn't at the same time, Atticus was one of the most beautiful girls he'd ever seen. 

The three Parkers' started to dig through their bags for their wallets. Each of them held different photos of Atticus in their wallets, she was younger (about 18-19), she had only 4 tattoos and, her typically black hair was split dyed (with one half blonde). 


It was 2:30 AM and everyone had fallen asleep, except for Spencer. 

A nurse stepped quietly into the waiting room, "Dr. Reid?"

He shot up out of his seat, "How is she?"

"Surgery went well, but Ms. Parker did lose a lot of blood. You can go see her but she might be drowsy when she first wakes up"

A huge smile spreads across his face as he follows the nurse down the hall (He took the ring off and shoved it in his pocket), "Thank you", he whispers as she walks away. Spence pulled the chair closer to the edge of her bed, he squeezed her hand and gave it a quick kiss. He took a deep breath, looking at the two little bandages placed at the top of her forehead and just under her left eye, not to mention the bruises that covered most of her exposed skin.  Reid watched her chest slowly rise and fall as she slept, even like this--she still looked gorgeous. 

Atticus jolted, her breathing heavy, "Where the fuck am I?", she turned to Spencer. 

"Hosptial", he replies with a huge dorky smile, just glad to see her awake again, to hear her voice. 

She starts to say something but he cuts her off, "I know, you hate hospitals. But you have to be here, you're hurt--", she goes to open her mouth again, "and no, you can't just check yourself out", he chuckled. 

"You know me too well.", she propped herself up a bit and rubbed her eyes. Spencer wrapped his arms around her gently, being careful around her fractured ribs, and kissed the top of her head. When he pulled away, Att reached for his tie pulling him back in and planting her lips softly against his. 

"Atti?", Athena cooed. 

Atticus pulled back and her eyes widened as her cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. Her brothers followed close behind Athena as they entered the room, "'Friends', huh?", the two men said in sync. Spencer turned back to her, a tinge of panic in his expression. 

"Stop it", Att looked at her brothers and rolled her eyes. 

Reid excused himself, "Wait, Spence?"


"Do you have my glasses? 'Cause I can't fucking see anything", she laughed. He handed them to her and she thanked him softly as he left the room. 

"So what, we don't see you for six years and suddenly you have a boyfriend?", Apollo chuckled. 

"He's not my boyfriend"

"He's just using you then?", Aeacus' expression became serious. 

"No", a small smile appeared on her face as she took one of the pillows and chucked it at him, "I love him", she muttered. 

"You what?", Athena was in disbelief, "You've never said that about--anyone." 

"I know--but, I think I really do"

 "Well, does he love you?"

"Mhm, he told me--on accident, he thought it would scare me away. And I did too, but it didn't. Something about him...is just...I don't know, different--I guess."

They spent some time catching up before Atticus shooed them away so that they could get some sleep. Spencer came back when they left and eventually Atti fell back asleep. 

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