Progressing with Acceptance

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Luckily, today the topic and conversation about homosexuality is much more open and accepted than it was in earlier decades. Now, public schools have all-inclusive LGBTQ clubs, no-tolerance bullying school policies, celebrities and public figures that show full support, non-discriminatory laws are taken seriously in work forces and businesses, and support systems/resources for those in need. I know that when I attended middle school, an LGBTQ club was unheard of. Now, with our progressing society of love and acceptance, the same middle school I attended now has their own club recognizing them and providing resources, as well as a secondary home. One of the most notable movements for the LGBTQ communities is when former President Barack Obama and the supreme court announced that same-sex marriage is now legal in all 50 states of the U.S. in 2015. The month of June was recognized as LGBTQ pride month embracing all the different and diverse colors of sexual identity. In other words, be proud of who you are!

Major cities all over the country participate in mass LGBTQ Gay Pride Parades and other events welcoming and recognizing gay pride. Attending these types of in-person events are a great way to surround yourself with positive energy and welcoming vibes. Personally, the day of the Annual Gay Pride Parade is a day I look forward to every year. I have attended since I was 14 and I am now 19. Attending these events is a great way to show support as well, even if you do not identify with the community.

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