Why Sexuality is Controversial

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There are no "right" or "wrong" sexualities because your sexuality is personal and true to you. There are many different factors in this world that can make sexuality difficult to understand or accept in certain societies such as religion, culture, and politics. This is due to people's personal connections and beliefs to these factors. Some religions will say in the bible that any other sexual relations other than in between a man and a women is considered a sin, and therefore is punishable by spending eternity in hell in the afterlife. I had to deal with my sexuality contradicting religion because coming from a Mexican-American background, along with many of my friends, I wasn't sure how coming out as a gay male would be exactly accepted within my Mexican culture and Catholicism, the religion my family is so close to back home. Some cultures will not allow the recognition or the acceptance of open-sexualities other than heterosexual because like religion, culture can play and influence the way you live your life.

Unlike culture or religion, politics play a role in every person's lives no matter what your beliefs or stands are. With culture and religion, you are more open with the decision of it becoming a role in your life. There are many different types of cultures and religions that exist and just like sexuality, culture and religion can be very specific. With politics, they exist and have the power to control certain aspects in your life. For example, you can choose which religion you want to believe in, or not believe in it at all. You can choose whether to follow in your cultural background and live a life guided by culture, or not to follow it at all. With politics, it is a different story because politics are structured by the government and have a lot of power over civilians. The controversy between homosexuality and politics is very brutal because it deals with the basic human rights and resources being denied and/or removed from a person solely due to homosexuality. From "The Gay Rights Controversy" by Doug Linder, there have been many recorded cases in history with the U.S. government dealing with the rights of certain individuals identifying as homosexual. Some examples of these cases are Bowers v. Hardwick (a case considering "only the constitutionality of applying the law to homosexual sodomy"), Romer v. Evans ("challenged a provision that prohibited the state from adopting any laws that gave preferred or protected status to homosexuals), and Lawrence v. Texas ("a law that criminalized homosexual sodomy and not homosexual sodomy).

Another factor that contradicts the beliefs and the whole gay agenda itself is the saying and the belief from heterosexuals that being gay, or identifying as another sexuality is a "choice" disregarding the upbringing that homosexuals were born that way and no other factors drove homosexuality to be a choice. According to Bill Sullivan from "Stop Calling It a Choice: Biological Factors Drive Homosexuality.", he states that "many people still consider homosexual behavior to be an anomalous choice. However, biologists have documented homosexual behavior in more then 450 species, arguing that same-sex behavior is not an unnatural choice". 

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