Defining Sexuality

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From the moment you are born, you are automatically assigned a specific gender based on your physical and genetic qualities. This is what makes us all human, but can we say the same about sexuality? Well first, let's hit some general facts and definitions about what sexuality is and what exactly it pertains to. Sexuality, as defined by the Better Health Channel, is about "your sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions, and behaviors towards other people". This couldn't be any further from the truth, along with the identity within yourself to love. When we talk about "sexual orientation and identity", this does not only include the sexual attraction, but also the emotional and physical attraction, which is just as important.

Sexuality is a very complex, diverse, and confusing topic. How our world has chosen to understand the spectrum of sexuality persists of two terms: homosexuality and heterosexuality. Heterosexuality is the sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions, and behaviors to the opposite sex (example: male and female). Homosexuality is the sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions, and behaviors to the same sex (example: male and male, female and female). Now, keep in mind that there is a spectrum of sexual identities and terms which lie in between the two. For example, another sexual identity you may have heard before is Bisexuality, and this is the sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions, and behaviors towards both sexes, both male and female. All 3 of these terms are vaguely broad and contain much more specific ways of identifying their sexual attraction. 

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