Chapter 38: The Kings and Queens of New

Start from the beginning

"It's Jackson. Can I come in?" asked Jack through the door

I took another breath before replying, "Yes, it should be unlocked" then he walked in. Jack was wearing a dark red cloak on top of a white dress tunic with black pants and light brown boots. He walked over to my bed where I was sitting.

"Are you alright Ari? You look a little pale,"

I let out the breath I was holding, "I'm just nervous that's all. I'll be ok though. How are you doing?"

Jack looked at me, not answering the question, with a concerned look on his face. "I think I'd like to say that I know you well enough to know when you're lying. What's going on?" He then rubbed my back while waiting for me to respond.

I sigh and leaned into his touch, "I'm just nervous about becoming a queen. I know I've grown up knowing this would happen one day. But I never imagined it happening like this, you know? What if I'm not good enough? Or I mess up?"

Jack let out a small laugh, "So that's what's worrying you? Ari, it'll be fine. You are an amazing girl with a stunning personality. You are so ready to take this next step. I see it and so does everyone else. You are going to be an excellent queen. Plus you're not alone, you have me, Anna, Ray, Zoran, Patrick, Justin, and everyone else by your side to help you with ruling Narnia. You shouldn't worry about it. Instead, you should be excited,"

As Jackson was saying all his encouraging words, I realised my heartbeat had stopped racing and I was relaxed once again. I smiled at him, "Thank you. That really helped. I don't know what I'd do without you. I'm so glad your in my life, Jack,"

"I can say the same about you," he then kissed the top of my head. After a few minutes of silence, a knock on the door came and my maids entered the room. "I guess that's my cue to leave you then. I'll see you later," I nodded and watched him go before turning to my maids and started getting ready.

By the time my maids had finished getting me ready, it was a little after noon. I stood in front of my mirror and took a look at my reflection. I saw a girl wearing a light blue traditional Narnian dress with long flowy sleeves and her hair down but slightly curled. A girl who was ready to become a queen. "Here we go, Ariana. I'm ready and I got this," I said to myself before heading out the door.

I walked down the hall towards the ceremony which was taking place in the newly redecorated throne room. Lots of people would be there since everyone in the kingdom was invited. After I turned the corner I saw Ray. She was dressed in a yellow and black traditional gown. She smiled at me, "Hello Ariana. Are you ready for this?"

"As much as I'll ever be. How about you?"

"I'd like to think so. I mean at least it's not as scary as going into battle again,"

"That is very true." We kept walking towards where we were told to be. Just then Anna caught up to us at the top of the stairs. She didn't look particularly happy. I was about to ask her what was wrong but she beat me to it.

"I just don't understand why we have to wear traditional Narnian clothes. Like why couldn't we wear something more modern like my dress this evening? The fabric on that dress is way more comfortable than this dress," complained Anna. She was wearing a dress similar to mine in that it didn't have an outer layer as Ray's did. But it was not as flowy as mine and her trumpet sleeves were straighter than mine and less flowy. It was royal blue with small bronze gems in a line down the middle of the skirt and around her waist.

Ray and I both laughed at her comment. "Well you better get used to it, we have to wear traditional outfits in certain events such as this one. Also, get used to wearing dresses a lot. I know Ray doesn't mind it but you can't wear leggings ALL the time,"

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