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V: Juls, wake up! The bell rang! -Valentina got up from the bed abruptly waking up Juliana who was hugging her beside her with her head against her chest.

Although it hadn't been long, they had easily fallen asleep.

J: It must be Miguel! -Juliana got up quickly, put on the first outfit she found in front of her, and ran to answer the door.

C: Hi Juliana! - Cláudia greeted sympathetically supporting both hands on the shoulders of boy Miguel in front of her. - I tried to call you a lot, to let you know that I was bringing Miguel, but nobody answered. I figured you could be home... so I took the chance to bring him without warning.

J: Ah yes! I think my phone is on silent, a thousand apologies. And... wow, thank you so much for being so kind to bring him here, I don't even know how to thank you. - Juliana said awkwardly.

C: Nothing... No problem. How are you? Everything okay here? - asked Claudia without disguising her gaze at Juliana's shirt, which was dressed inside out, imagining that she might not be having a good day.

Juliana looked at herself, noticing Claudia's gaze, and only then noticing that she had put her clothes inside out, making her cheeks flush immediately.

J: Ah, yes... yeah... it's okay. Thank God. Thanks for worrying. - she replied trying not to look directly into Claudia's eyes, so as not to show how embarrassed she was at that moment. - Do you want to login? Want a coffee?

C: No, no. Thanks. I just came to leave Miguel. I must go now. Be well, ok? - Claudia said goodbye to Juliana with two traditional kisses, on each side of her face. - You can always count on me, see?

J: I know it does. Thank you very much - Juliana still thanked a little awkwardly, while Claudia went on her way to the elevator, and Miguel entered the apartment.

Juliana closed the door still with a flushed face, and pulling Miguel by the backpack he was carrying, when the boy hurried past her.

J: Hey boy! Won't you even give me a hug? - she said opening her arms when he turned.

M: I'm too tight to pee! - said the boy returning quickly to hug his godmother just to not leave her left.

In the meantime, Valentina appeared in the room.

Miguel turned back to go to the bathroom, and was startled when he saw Valentina.

M: Teacher Valentina? Are you going to live with us now? - the boy asked innocently, looking back at Juliana, and momentarily forgetting that he needed to go to the bathroom soon.

V: Not my love. - replied Valentina bursting out laughing - I just came to give a ride to your godmother. I'm leaving now.

Miguel headed for the bathroom, as if it had made no difference whatsoever the answer he received.

J: Miguel, wait! - interrupted Juliana making the boy turn immediately - What if... if teacher Valentina came to live with us? Would you think it was bad? - she asked, approaching him.

Miguel paused briefly. He looked at his godmother. Then he looked at Valentina. Then he looked back at Juliana.

M: No. It was going to be good, right? You were going to have an adult to talk to. And we could paint more walls, right? It would be incredible! - replied the smiling boy, and immediately went to the bathroom squirming, demonstrating that the pee could not wait any longer.

When the boy left the room, Juliana looked at Valentina, who was wide-eyed towards her.

The two smiled awkwardly and spent a few seconds looking at each other without knowing what to say.

J: What do you think? - Juliana asked, approaching Valentina and sketching an expression of doubt.

V: I think you're crazy! - she replied laughing

J: Seriously Val... - she continued approaching Valentina, and laughing awkwardly.

V: Yes. I know. That's why I say you're crazy. - Valentina continued laughing, and began to caress Juliana by putting a lock of her hair behind her ear. - We met on Saturday, remember?

J: I know... - Juliana shook her head, slightly embarrassed, like someone who was recapping the question she had asked and realizing that she had rushed, while she walked away from Valentina and went towards the kitchen.

Valentina just watched her, while her mind wandered in millions of thoughts about the bold proposal that Juliana had just made.

V: No... but seriously... - Valentina was approaching - I know everything is very intense... but... I think this step would be too fast... even for us, don't you think? - she asked, approaching Juliana who was facing the kitchen counter, putting her hair behind her ear again.

J: Yes... of course. - Juliana replied, still with her head down, pretending to wash the few dishes that were in the sink - But I don't know... Is that... after everything that happened to Fernanda, you know? When we lose someone we love so suddenly, we always spend a few weeks wanting to live everything more intensely, wanting to give time the value it really has... I know, it seems crazy. Two months ago I would be the first person to find this idea completely absurd... But I don't know... I keep thinking about those four months that you came to spend here. I'm sorry... I know it's crazy.

V: Hey... - Valentina turned Juliana's face to her, pulling her gently by the chin. - I understand you ... completely. But actually, madness sometimes goes well ... don't you think? - letting go of the good old, irresistible little smile, Valentina stroked Juliana's face again.

J: I don't know... I can't act rationally with those blue eyes looking at me like that - Juliana replied with a silly smile and approaching Valentina's face.

V: Look... it may be crazy for me to move in with you in less than a week. Well, it's actually crazy. - she started talking between silly laughs. - But... I remember that... when I was looking for a place to stay here in Rio, I took a look at several occupied apartments, which had only one room to rent... but I confess that I was not much adept at this idea, so I found a better place just for me. Buuut... do you know that now I was even looking for another place to stay these last months? I didn't adapt well in the apartment... Maybe now is a good time to rent just a little room elsewhere, don't you think? - asked Valentina with a smile that only she had.

And what before seemed to be a completely absurd and hasty idea, suddenly became a totally convenient situation for both of them. Which completely removed any level of tension or strangeness that remained in the air after Juliana's bold proposal, and became a totally light and spontaneous atmosphere, as all moments that were together seemed to be, as if in fact they already shared life for many years.

J: Huuum... thinking about it... I didn't think about renting a room here, but I think I can make an exception, right? - Juliana replied with an even more silly smile, bringing her face even closer to Valentina, about to deposit several kisses on those perfect lips.

V: But I need to be honest with you... I don't always wake up that beautiful, okay? - Valentina spoke, lowering her voice, without taking her eyes from Juliana's lips.

J: And what's the problem? - Juliana copied the gesture and the tone of Valentina's voice.

V: There is a small risk that you will fall out of love...

Juliana chuckled.

J: The only risk here is that I will fall in love even more... - Juliana replied kissing Valentina before even finishing the sentence completely.

A delicate, subtle kiss, but equally charged with passion, and, why not, love?

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