Chapter 10 - BACKGROUND

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Instantly Valentina burst out laughing. She uttered a discreet "excuse" amidst a laugh she couldn't help.

While Juliana began to desperately discuss the deeper side of the pool.

V: Ok Juls. There's no point in pretending, I'm not going to jump, I'm all ready to go home... - Valentina joked while continuing to laugh.

Juliana continued to struggle in the water, agonized, trying at all costs to get out of the place, but she did not seem to succeed.

V: Juls? Really? Juliana? - Valentina's face changed when he began to realize that was not pretending, and jumped into the water

She took Juliana from behind, pulling her to the shallow end of the pool. She was shaking.

J: I... I can't swim... you crazy! - Juliana said, tapping her chin and crossing her trembling arms in the midst of wheezing.

V: Yeah... I got it! I thought you were kidding... - said Valentina a little surprised.

J: I... I was drowning... when I was a child... I am a little scared... of water... - said Juliana, already a little calmer, but still trembling and panting, trying to smile.

V: But how can you? Having a godson of the pools and future Olympic champion and not knowing how to swim? - said Valentina, making no attempt to hide that she was really surprised.

J: Having a godson swimmer does not mean that I have to know how to swim too. - she replied with her breathing already controlled, and smiling a little wider.

V: Well... but now you have a swimming teacher girlfriend. So... the scenario changes right?

J: Girlfriend? Juliana asked in surprise.

V: Of course. If Miguel said this is it ... the child doesn't lie.

The two looked at each other between silly smiles again. It was impossible to know who was most melted and in love. It had been three days since they last saw each other, but it was as if that kiss in the living room of Juliana's apartment had happened minutes ago. They could still taste it with the same intensity. They could still feel the same chill on their skin. They still felt the same desire. They could close their eyes and revisit that kiss at any time, with all the details printed, because it was all very well etched in the thoughts of each one.

V: Since Miguel is on that birthday, you were already going home, and I was already closing the gym, and we have the pool just for us now ... what do you think about having the first class? I already had my experimental class, I owe you one now, right? - suggested Valentina, as enthusiastic as ever.

J: I'm not wearing a bathing suit Val ... leave it for another day. - Juliana replied, moving away from Valentina and heading towards the stairs.

V: What nonsense Juls... we are already wet anyway... Are you trying to escape the class? - Said holding Juliana's arm. - Modesty aside, I'm a great teacher, okay?

Juliana looked suspicious. She couldn't hide her fear of water, no matter how safe and comfortable she was on Valentina's side.

V: Come... We start slowly. I'll just help you float first, okay?

J: Because your ideas are always so...

V: Perfect? - said Valentina giving a light bite on the lips and convincing Juliana to definitely do that experimental class.

And even without the bathing suits, they started "class".

Juliana, in fact, wore a very comfortable outfit, since she came from dance classes. Legging pants with white top and a gray blouse with the logo of your studio. She took off her blouse and stayed only in a top to facilitate movements.

It's more than a poem (english version)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt