Chapter 5 - NEW MOON

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They were already on the third song and they just couldn't let go. They danced on the porch as if there was nothing else around. Not even the loud sound of the bar in front of the building, with people talking and having fun, or even the party that the neighbor next door seemed to be having at that moment, were able to distract or disconnect them. They danced to their music, at their own pace, in that particular universe.

It started playing Hard Place (H.E.R), when Juliana was no longer able to hide the nervousness that Valentina's proximity caused her.

They both knew what they were feeling. They might not know exactly how to name those feelings, but now they knew exactly what they wanted. Each time Valentina's hand glided smoothly over Juliana's waist, and their faces became ever more glued together, it seemed practically impossible to hide the sparks that came out of that encounter. Juliana was definitely attracted to that woman who held her waist in such a subtle and strong way at the same time, and Valentina was completely committed to everything Juliana made her feel.

Juliana had already felt the impact of the spectacular brightness of those blue eyes, the unique energy of that smile, had even felt chills at the subtle touch of that skin, and, at that moment, what she wanted most was to taste those lips.

Valentina had already been completely enchanted by all the facets of that woman, who seemed so fragile and insecure, but whose eyes transmitted as much strength and magnitude as the woman who sang divinely without fear hours ago. She wanted to find out which of Juliana's facets she would find on those perfectly designed lips.

Their faces got closer and closer, and facing each other, their breaths merged into one. They knew what they wanted, but they were still afraid it wouldn't be reciprocal, and before her lips could get too close to the point where it was no longer possible to keep them from touching, Juliana pulled away and interrupted all that tension that hung in the air.

J: I... I go to the kitchen to get more wine. - said leaving the balcony before even finishing the sentence.

As she searched the kitchen for wine, Juliana's thoughts were frozen in Valentina. "How can she move me that much? How can I feel all this if I just met this woman? It can only be a need! That's it. I'm fragile, there are a million things happening in my life... She's being super nice to me, and that's it. Anyone who had been nice to me today would attract me, right? She's just being nice. I'm confusing things... and it can suck... She seems be like that with everyone, right? It's just her way, that smile... Oh... that smile..." - Juliana sighed amid the agitated thoughts that consumed her at that moment.

Valentina remained on the porch, her thoughts equally agitated. "Valentina... you are mixing things up. It's obvious that you're seeing too many things where there is not... she just needed some support now. Of course, anyone who offered any help would willingly accept. She's so alone... she just wanted a company. I can't mix things up. This can be bad... but she's so amazing, omg, she overflows with strength... I don't want to ruin anything, I... I just want her in my life, to hear her sing more often, with that voice... oh... that voice " - sighed Valentina on the balcony, closing her eyes, while trying to reconstruct in her mind each little piece of Juliana singing in the kitchen.

J: There was no more wine. - Juliana arrived on the porch interrupting Valentina's thoughts, and not knowing if she really had no more wine or if she hadn't found it because her head was totally elsewhere.

V: Oh... you scared me. - Valentina was leaning against the balcony railing and turned scared by Juliana's interruption in her thoughts so far away.

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