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The rest of Sunday went smoothly. They broke off the kiss themselves, afraid that Miguel might suddenly appear, even though the last thing they wanted at that moment was to let go.

They spent a few more hours together, the three of them, still having the same fun. Although the thoughts of the two had been stuck in that kiss so desired. They exchanged silly looks and smiles for the rest of the day. Until the moment when Valentina had to leave.

V: Well ... I think that in the end the cleaning yielded much more than my film with ice cream, right? - said Valentina smiling leaning against the entrance door, getting ready to leave.

J: Apparently, yes. - Juliana replied without being able to get the silly smile off her face

V: So, that's it. When you need to do another cleaning, just call me - said Valentina awkwardly, hugging Juliana, trying to contain her instinct to kiss her, when she realized that Miguel was in the room watching everything.

J: Thanks Val! Really. - Juliana answered, embracing the hug as lovingly as possible, and trying to convey in those few words how much she really was grateful and how much Valentina's company had meant to her at that moment.

The two stood looking at each other for a few minutes, standing in front of the door, without saying another word. Just contemplating each other's beauty. And remembering the weekend so intense that they had. They didn't want to say goodbye that quickly. They wanted to spend more time together. They wanted more kisses, more hugs, more dances. Now that they had entered each other's lives, it seemed too difficult to separate.


The week went by with a different energy. Juliana returned to her dance studio after the forced break of the past few weeks. Miguel was fine at school, although he spent the entire day counting the hours for swimming training. And Valentina took over the classes of teacher Carlos, who had already traveled.

Juliana spent the entire week talking to Valentina on her cell phone. Connecting every half hour hoping to find a message from the blue-eyed goddess. And squandering hundreds of silly smiles every time she found the message she expected. And there were many. Because Valentina also kept thinking about her dance teacher. In her voice, in her eyes, in her kiss. How they wanted to repeat that kiss.

It was already Thursday. Swimming day. It's difficult to identify who was more excited between Miguel and Juliana, and too easy to understand the reasons for their animation.

M: Godmother, you remember that today is Lucas' birthday, right? - asked the boy as they ate breakfast together.

J: Is it today? Oh my, how time is flying. Good thing we already bought the gift, right?

M: Yeah. I'm super excited. I think it will be a lot of fun. It will be super cool to go everyone together after swimming. He said that his mother rented a super cool car just to take us - said Miguel enthusiastically.

J: Certainly dear. Enjoy it a lot, but behave yourself right? - Juliana said while working on her cell phone, without giving 100% attention to what her godson said.

Juliana's day was a little troubled. One of her students twisted her foot during class, and she needed to provide all the assistance needed. In the middle of the rush, she had to close the studio a little later, and by the time she realized it was almost five-thirty in the afternoon. She had to pick up Miguel at the swimming class until 6am. Well, at least she thought she did. She ran off, so as not to lose her habit, arriving a few minutes late.

Arriving at the gym where the swimming lessons took place, which was relatively close to her studio, she found only Valentina, alone, tidying up the mess left by the students, and already preparing to close the doors.

V: Juls? What are you doing here? - asked Valentina, really surprised by Juliana's unexpected arrival, but with an inevitable smile.

J: I came to get Miguel. Is he in there? In fact ... where is everyone?

It was the first time they had met again after saying goodbye on Sunday. But they were talking so often on their cell phones, it looked like they had met a few hours earlier. Still, they didn't hide the happiness of finally being together again.

Valentina came over and gave Juliana a long hug, as if she wanted to make up for the previous three days that she couldn't do the same.

V: I didn't expect to see you here today. The boys left recently. You needed to see the car Lucas's mom rented to take these boys to the party. It was a spree. I had to finish the class earlier, because otherwise...

J: Ah... of course... the party! My God, I forgot they were all going here. I had a super busy day today, I didn't remember that important detail. I came running from the studio already thinking that I was going to find the poor guy waiting for me alone.

V: Well... I think I have to thank you for this little forgetfulness, right? Just like that I ended up having the luck to see that face in person - said Valentina approaching to kiss Juliana.

J: Calm down Val, some students may appear. - Juliana said, avoiding the kiss a little, even if she wanted it as much as Valentina.

V: No. All classes are over. In fact, I was already closing things to leave, and I'm glad I didn't go, right ... - said Valentina, affectionately putting a streak of Juliana's hair behind her ear, letting out the familiar corner smile, and kissing her gently.

Juliana responded. And as much as they have been crazy all week to meet again, and to miss the longing for that intense Sunday kiss, now this was a more subtle kiss, still full of meaning.

V: I missed you ...- whispered Valentina smiling, gently holding and smoothing Juliana's hands, while her faces moved away after the affectionate kiss.

J: Me too. - Juliana replied enjoying those blue eyes that were in front of her and directed exclusively at her.

They stayed like that for a few seconds. Holding hands, faces almost glued, just admiring each other.

J: Look, I think you will like to know that I will open a new class there in the studio.

V: Ah !! I don't believe! I already want! - Valentina said excitedly moving away a little but without letting go of her hands. - But I still want private lessons, okay? - she completed with a little smile, raising her arm for Juliana to spin, as in a dance pass.

J: Ok Val. - Juliana remained still, a little embarrassed, even though she understood Valentina's sign.

V: Go Juls, stop bullshit. There's only us here. You as a teacher must know that only practice makes perfect, right? - Valentina insisted, now opening her arms and moving away a little more for Juliana to complete the turn.

J: Yes, but in the right place, right? Not like that at the edge of a pool. - Juliana said, still resistant to the proposed dance pass.

V: Go, just a spin. - Valentina asked with a little smile like a child, opening her arms again.

Juliana then gave in, did the requested turn, rotating her body by Valentina's arm, and stopping in front of her, with the bodies glued together.

Valentina gave her a peck, letting go of the little smile, then opened her arms again for Juliana to complete the dance step, rotating back out.

As they had no eyes for anything other than the presence of each other, they didn't realize how close they were to the edge of the pool, and at the end of the spin Juliana fell off balance and fell into the water.

It's more than a poem (english version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora