
"Look, I can't stand sleeping there knowing that she died in that house. It's like she's haunting the place or something. Can I stay with you? I know my car is here, but just let me come home with you. I'll wait for your shift to be over, I don't care."

"It's alright with me, but don't you-"

"It won't be for more than a day or two. Don't ask me about Zach, it's a lost cause."

"I wasn't going to-"

"I had to get it out of the way, okay?" She snapped, scratching at the side of her face aggressively. "The last thing I want to do is talk about that manipulative prick."

With a heavy sigh, I dropped my hands to my lap and picked at my thumb nail. "We don't have to say anything about it, Candy. You know you're always welcome to stay with me."

"Thank you." She grumbled, flicking her eyes to different spots around us in a rapid fashion. She was battling a war inside her head.


"I need help, Briel."

Swallowing hard, I nodded as quickly as I could to signify my desire to help. She was losing herself, and in going through the loss of her mother, it had become too easy to fall. "I'm by your side every step of the way, Candice. I want you to know that you aren't alone."

A streak of tears rolled down her pale thin cheeks and she sniffled. "Just help me, okay?"

"I- Okay."


As we stepped into the house, I turned to Candy and spoke in a low whisper, "So, Chris might be drunk, okay? I think I hear him in the garage."

"Is your mom home?" She tossed her heels into the living room and dropped her bags in a heap on the floor.

"She's sleeping in her room."

It couldn't hurt to check on her.

"Cool. I'm gonna take a shower." Candy groaned, tearing off her sweatshirt. "It's too cold in here, Bri. What the hell."

I bit my tongue and slid my own shoes off, ignoring the numbing beat in my heart as it raced. "It's how Chris likes it, I'm sorry. You want me to turn on the heater?"

A loud crash in the garage made both of us jump, pulling our attention away from the conversation.

What is it this time, Chris?

"Yeah, I'm gonna go shower. You have fun dealing with that." Candy scoffed, flipping her hair behind her back as she strutted down the hallway to the bathroom.

"Gee, thanks, babe."

"Hmm," she grunted before shutting the bathroom door, locking it behind her.

With a heavy sigh, I sauntered through the house and made my way to the garage. He was in there, that was for sure, thrashing about like it wasn't nearly three in the morning.

"Christian?" I tiptoed into the musty room, wincing as the door slammed shut behind me.

Hunched over a giant black box, cigarette smoke billowing in his eyes, he angrily rummaged. "What're you doing in here?"

"I just got home." Stepping closer was like walking towards a beast in his cave, but he was my man. I shouldn't feel afraid. "I thought you'd like to know."

He slammed the box shut, locking it carefully with a well secured mechanical lock. "Did you have a nice night at work?"

"It was horrible."

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