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I'm very very sorry about this one... Please note this is very mature content... Includes smut, degrading language and other weird shit that I decided to put in... I'm sorry if half of it didn't make sense, this took me two days to write and I got a blank at some point ..

If you are not comfortable reading this please don't... I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable... I have fluff coming out soon.

Please let me know what you think and let me know if you want me to write something like this again.

Draco Malfoy was always very, very possessive of what was his. He never wanted anyone to touch what he considered his own. In his head, he believed that if he claimed he owed the certain item or a someone, that was his and not for anyone to touch. After all, he knew that if he claimed it as his. Then by Merlin, it was his.

That, someone, was you, deep down he knew that his feelings for you were far deeper than what he showed you but still he was a very hard person that had walls built around him and he was scared because you were the first girl to break them down.

He was never shown love, he was taught how to hate people. But with you, he was changing, he was showing a side that he didn't know that he had, but for you, he was willing to show it.

Nevertheless, he wanted to make sure that other people knew that you were his. For example someone like Harry Potter. Draco knew that the boy with glasses had a thing for you but, what the blonde didn't know was that you only had eyes for him. You knew about the crush that Harry had for you but you didn't care.

And although you didn't say it out loud you knew that you belonged to Draco Lucius Malfoy. And you wanted to believe that he belonged to you. Although everyone knew that you belonged to each other.

As you walked into potions class you could see the blonde that you wanted to see all day sitting at his usual table, doing the daily thing of shoving Parkinson from him, which made you smirk. You knew how much he hated her touching him. And as usual, all that you wanted to do was go over there and rip her hair out for touching what was yours.

"Come on Y/N Take a seat" Professor Snape bellowed making you jump in surprise and hurry to your seat, to your most ultimate nightmare it was beside Harry and behind Draco. Maybe you should ask if you could be moved?

"Good morning" Harry smiled as he touched your shoulder, you smiled and gently shook his hand away from you, You could hear Draco telling Pansy to fuck off again which made you giggle slightly.

"All right everyone, today you will be making a potion of your choice, I don't care what it is, just don't blown up the whole room. I have things to do so please get started and I do not want to hear talking" Snape said looking around the room. You pushed your chair back and leaned down to get a lolly out of your bag. Usually, when snape let you brew your own potions he didn't care if you were eating or not.

As you took the candy out of your bag, you slipped it into your robes and walked over to the shelf to gather the stuff that you would be needing you saw Draco rise from his seat and come stand beside you.

"Do not let him touch you, I don't want his hand anywhere near you Y/N I mean it!" He seethed and grabbed a bottle of bat dung before walking away to his table when you got to your own station you noticed that Draco moved to the other side of the table so that he would be able to keep an eye on you.

You took out your lolly and unwrapped it popping it into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around it before taking it all in your mouth. Yes, you knew what it looked like but you didn't care you liked the cherry flavour so if you wanted to suck it, you will.

Draco Malfoy One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now