Hoodie Pt 2 ✅

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👋👋👋👋 Hello again.

She didn't really mean to hold on to Draco's hoodie, but she couldn't help it.

It was warm and she wore it around the common room. Of course that was only after everyone else went to bed. It did have his name on the back after all.

As she walked into the Great Hall for dinner she completely forgot that she was wearing the green piece of clothing.

She sat down beside Ron and Harry, she still hasn't spoken to them much after her fight Harry.

Ron looked up from his plate of chicken and smiled making her smile lightly back.

Harry eyed her warily "Who's hoodie is that?" He asked making her head snap down and noticed that it was Draco's clothes that she were wearing.

"um.. It's Draco's" she mumbled. Ron chocked on a bone while Ginny looked at him from the other side of the table where he was. Hermonie looked at him with the same face.

"Charming Ronald, really" She said making you chuckle.

"Why are you wearing Malfoy's jumper" Harry hissed, making her turn her head and look at the Slytherin table where the blonde was laughing with his friends. As if he knew that she was  looking at him his eyes flickered to her and he smirked as he noticed that she was wearing his hoodie.

He continued smirking and moved his head down towards his chin making her smile slightly.

"Because he gave it to me the other day, I was cold I forgot to give it back to him" Y/n answered Harry making him drop a fork.

"Tell me you're not going out with him" Harry Potter almost shouted making her put her on fork down "No Harry I'm not but you know I like him" She hissed back at him.

"Fine, how about this. If you go up to him right now and kiss him, and he doesn't reject you ill leave you and Malfoy alone" Harry said to her making her think about it.


I thought about what the boy with glasses said and decided to stand up up. The golden trio watched as I walked around to the table where Draco was.

"Malfoy, stand up" I shouted making the blonde look at me and rise from his seat.

It was now or never

I walked up to him and wrapped my arm around his neck while the other grabbed his tie and pull him towards me

"What-" He started "Just shut up" I said and smashed my lips against his. Fear over took my body as he wasn't kissing me back just as I was about to pull away his hands found my waist and he pulled me in closer.

As we pulled away I looked up at him and he smiled "I was wondering how long it was going to take" Draco said.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door "Where are you dragging me" I laughed. He dragged me towards an empty corridor.

He let go of my hand and pushed me against one of the walls. "Hm, I like where this is going" I laughed and loosely draped my hands around his neck.

"I love you" I whispered hoping that he would say it back.

"I love you too" Draco said as he pushed further into me and kissed me. He ran his hands down my waist as one landed on my ass and the other behind my head deepening the kiss.

I couldn't help but moan, I could feel him chuckle and pull away.

"I must say love, you look good in green, especially with my name on your back" The blonde said again before kissing me again.

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