Life in the Flames-9

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Thank you everyone for reading! I'm so thrilled how this story has grown! Thank you guys for all the support, reads, comments, and votes! Remember if you like it don't be afraid to comment, vote, and maybe even fan ;) Thanks again!!! ~Morgan =)

Chapter 9

In The Palace

"That was for what you made me do," then I punched him again causing him to fall from the guards' holds and drop to his knees, nose bleeding, and face already swelling beneath his scar. "And that was for Breezy." 

"Take him to the dungeon. I shall deal with him later," Reid ordered to the guards whom still held scar. They nodded and carried his limp form back toward the palace with the other guards following. 

Anger flowed through my veins and my fist throbbed slightly from the punches. I could feel the water all around me, in the ground, air, and the pond vibrating in response to my mood.  

One reason water wielders must control their emotions is because water reacts to your feelings. If a person is angry, the water becomes razor sharp and hot. If a person is sad it cools and feels more soothing to the touch.  

Reid watched as they carried him inside, "He will be dealt with and punished severely," he said to us as he struggled to conceal his anger in his voice. 

"Now that is how it is done! I'll make sure not to get you angry," Thorin said laughing as he clapped me on the shoulder to try to lighten the mood. Breezy and Burke laughed but Reid stood stone faced. 

"Thank you Alonia," Breezy said. She came over and wrapper her arms around me, "thank you." 

I took a deep breath and with my anger under my firm control I retuned her embrace. "That was as much for me as it was for you," I said pulling away with a small smile.

"You are okay though?" Reid asked with a hint of worry in his deep melodic voice.

"I'm perfectly fine," I said lifting my hand and stretching it for all to see, "he should be the one whose health needs to be worried about."

That got laughs out of everyone but Reid, who stood with his arms folded across his chest. I could see he was still angry just from reading his body language. He stood rigidly, moved jerkily, and you could still feel the heat radiating from his form.

An awkward silence feel over our group, and you could feel the heat of the moment left over from moments before. The two unlocked collars on the ground, a spot of pond muck and mud, and the black gem I still clutched in my left hand. 

Burke was the first to break the silence, "So Reid, when are your parents due to be home?" 

"Tomorrow I believe. I forgot all about that!" he said slapping his forehead. 

"Reid again? Remember the last time when they left? Your mother was furious!" Thorin said with Breezy at his side once again. 

"I've been slightly distracted this time," he said as I caught him glace over at me, "I do believe I have a valid excuse this time." 

"Where did they go again?" Burke asked. 

"I'm not exactly sure. Father just said their presence was needed right away, and they left in the fastest ship we had that very night." 

"Reid if they are coming home tomorrow, didn't preparations needed to be started yesterday?"

"Oh no," he said as he turned and sprinted back into the palace. 

"Okay, explain to me what that was all about?" I asked the two brothers. 

"Every time the royal family leaves a celebration, or party is held on their return," Burke said as we started walking back towards the willow pond. 

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