"Ne ne tell me more about myself"

"Well you are a 3 year old child at appearance but you're really smart since you were built not born I'll tell you more along the way your about to start training from Tomorrow" I just said okay and went back to bed


"SAL get up it's time for training" I heard lady hawk say


~Time skip~ (a few years later you are now 5 years old sorry I felt really lazy)

I've been learning nin-jutsu, gen-jutsu, tai-jutsu and ken-jutsu from Darius my mentor. I had all the chakra natures it was odd but when I asked about it kanou said that it was how I was made I didn't ask any further because I know that this topic can only go this far right now lady hawk was combing my hair after a tiresome day of yet again training

"Lady hawk what are you"

"Me? I'm a human dear and also the one who gets to take care of you"

"So I'm not like you does that mean I'm not a human...what am I"

"It's true your not a human...you were made to be a monster..that everyone is afraid of..a monster that only loves itself...cares about no one and salvages itself and only itself"

"A monster huh..lady hawk I think I'm gonna sleep I'm tired you should rest too" she left after saying good night

I felt my eyes change as I recalled the words lady hawk spoke to me a few minutes ago I went to the mirror to check if something was wrong

I felt my eyes change as I recalled the words lady hawk spoke to me a few minutes ago I went to the mirror to check if something was wrong

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This was what I saw (ignore the glasses)

I didn't think much of it because Maybe I was 'made that way'. And went to bed

~time skip~ you are now 8 years old (I'm extremely sorry)

"Salvation we need to talk" I heard dr.kanou call me

"Yes Dr."

"Sit down it'll take awhile" I sat down in front of him with lady hawk and my mentor Darius beside him

"I think it is now time to tell you your purpose in this world...I hope you have studied history"

"Yes I have uptill the 4th great ninja war"

"Great so you must be knowing what tail-beasts are and how they have immense chakra...you were made to par that kind of strength as you start understanding rage and power you will unlock your true strength...yes I know what you are wondering about are you a monster then...yes you are a monster a ruthless killer stronger then the five-kage you have two of the great three do-jutsu the byakugan of the hyuuga and the sharingan of the uchiha you can use them simultaneously as well with your regenerative power you will be our ultimate weapon to help take over the world you are my magnificent project- salvation"

I felt angry when he told me all of this I wasn't a use and throw weapon to be owned and I'm gonna show him...just then I felt something warm coming out of my lower back they were tentacles 4 in total red as blood

just then I felt something warm coming out of my lower back they were tentacles 4 in total red as blood

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I attempted an attack on them but I was captured before that. giving me a sedative they take me to a room my mind and vision is cloudy so I can't see well my extra appendages disappeared too all I heard before passing out was

"What's 1000 minus 7?"

To be continued

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