Prologue: The start of it all

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I rewrote the chapter so enjoy the better version.


19 April 2027
Third POV

Kazuto plopped down on his pillow drenched in sweat breathing deeply and heavily.

As soon as he got comfortable Asuna curled up at his side and layed her head at his chest. He happily put he's arm around her waist to pull her in closer. Today is Saturday, Kazuto is home alone. So this is a normal situation. It was one of those days where Asuna would come over and they would have some fun.

"Hey Asuna" he suddenly said while stroking her hair. "What is it?" she asked looking up from his chest. "It is a safe date right I mean I did..." he asked then trailed off too embarrassed to continue the question. "Yes don't worry about it" she heaved "I would not have let you if it wasn't" she added to help. "Good, then I guess wouldn't want anything to happen" he said with a chuckle. Kazuto then sat up standing up from the bed he picked up a blanket that got kicked off then covered the bed and Asuna before sliding in the covers too. "Good night Kirito-kun I love you" Asuna said while snuggling closer to him. "Night Asuna I love you too" Kazuto said tightening he's grip on Asuna before letting is already heavy eyelids close.

Asuna POV

I was abruptly awoken from my slumber by a buzzing noise.

Groaning I turned away from my warm embrace and sat up and picked my phone up from the nightstand. As my eyes adjusted to the light of the phone the caller ID became clear it was my mother. Before I could even answer the call she put down. The time on my phone read 2:24. I heard some movement beside me Kirito is starting to wake up.

Turning around to face me I could see that he was trying to adjust to the light before his onyx eyes focused on me. "What's wrong?" he asked sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "Nothing"I answered truthfully. "You.are.lying" he said in an accusing tone and he peered into my eyes. "What makes you think I'm lying?" I asked a bit annoyed now. "Cause you're awake at almost 2:30 in the morning!" he said voiced raised. Although he did have a point. "Fine my mother called you happy" I spat back at him. Lately we have been getting into a lot of arguments. I heard Kirito sigh then I felt him put he's head on my shoulder. "Im sorry" I heard him whisper under my right ear. I just shake my head to acknowledge his apology. He got the message and layed down again pulling me into he's arms which I didn't protest to. After listening to he's heartbeat for a bit I became drowsy and fell asleep.

Kazuto POV

Opening my eyes squinting slightly at the harsh light as my eyes adjusted.

I slowly sat up from position looking down at the goddess laying next to me I smiled at the beauty which never ceased to amaze me. Reaching over her to get my phone I turned it on to check the time it was 08:57. Slowly standing up careful not to wake her up. My sweet smile grew into a smirk at the sight of our clothes everywhere. Picking up my boxers and my t-shirt i slipped it on before picking and folding the rest of our clothes.

Quietly I crept down the stairs since my aunt probably got home already from her night shift and is sleeping. My uncle is in america on a business trip and Suguha would be home from her boyfriend's house this afternoon ( I protested to the idea of letting her stay at his place knowing what they might do). After making two cups of coffee I crept quietly back up the stairs. Walking into the room I saw Asuna slipping on her underwear she turned to the door and started blushing. I internally laughed at her cuteness but just smile but I just shrugged it off and gave her a kiss on the cheek before putting down the two cups of coffee and switching on my computer by now it was well past nine o clock. "I'm going to take a shower" Asuna said turning towards the door. "Okay be quiet though Aunt Midori's home" I answered not turning my gaze. Nodding Asuna left the room. After a minute I wondered if I should join her then shrugged it off thinking we would make to much noise. After putting on proper clothes I sat back down and scrolled through random content on my computer. Asuna came out of the bathroom another five minutes later. After gathering Asuna's stuff we set off to Asuna's house.

Asuna POV

When we got to the front gate of my place.

I hopped off the motorcycle before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before waving as he drove away. When I entered the house as expected I got a scolding from my mother. Even though she started to except mine and Kirito's relationship she was still overprotective about me as a normal mother should in the early years of dating but at least she embraced the change even if it's a little.

24 April 2027
Third POV

It's been a week since that day everything passed smoothly and right now Kazuto and Asuna are on their weekly Friday after school date.

Kazuto and Asuna arrived after a 20 minute walk from the school. When they arrived at the entrance Asuna immediately pulled Kirito into the mall before he could escape. "Asuna" he complained for like the hundredth time since he found out they were going to the mall to buy more colorful clothes. "Stop whining like a baby Kirito-kun! We are going to buy you some green clothe cause you look extremely cute in them" Asuna said dragged him around shops. She suddenly stopped "And besides if your good we can go try on underwear for me and you can be there" she whispered in his ear. Then started walking again but this time he walked with. It seems that, that had gotten to him.

After two hours of shopping and Kazuto getting his reward at the end of the trip they walked to Asuna's house to drop her off. They held hands and spoke about random topics. When Asuna suddenly got an idea "Hey Kirito-kun I bet I can beat you to the other side" she taunted then ran off before Kazuto could say wait.
Just then a truck came rushing down the road and Asuna could not see it! Kazuto did some quick thinking and sprinted towards Asuna and pushed he forward out of the way and took the blow from the truck since he couldn't move fast enough.

"Hey what did you" she started to say rubbing her head but stopped when she saw his body.

Asuna let out a shout at the sight and ran to his side...


Hey thanks for reading this chapter this is the first fanfic I ever wrote. Also hope you guys appreciated the little moments it will be the most KiriSuna in this book for a while.

Let me know how I did

To all the people who read this chapter when it came out thanks. Hope this version of the chapter is better. Stay cool

Word count : 1254

Published: 21 December 2020
Edited: 18 March 2021

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