Chapter 7: An Extra Special Christmas

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25 December 2027
Asuna POV

Today is Christmas. So we are going to have a party at Dicey Cafe later today and until then I have to attend my family gathering which is being held at our house this year. Normally we just throw a party in ALO but pregnant people in there later months are not supposed to dive. And I'm almost 9 months pregnant so the baby can come at any time.

It is around 11 am. Mostly everyone from my family arrived yesterday and who ever didn't make it arrived early this morning.

"So Asuna, when did you say your due date was again?" my cousin Yuu asked. We are currently seated in my room the crowd downstairs was a bit overwhelming. We were very close from a young age she is my father's sister's child. She was one of few people who helped me when I was sad about my arranged marriages. "Well when I went to the doctor last weepppk she said he will probably be born around the seventh of next month" I answered. She nodded in acknowledgement. "Well you've known it's a boy for a couple months now so what's his name gonna be?" She asked as she leaned closer to my face. "Na ah" I said pushing her back " You will find out when everyone else finds out when he is born" I said mischievously. "Aww come Asu aren't I your favorite cousin don't I deserve to know?" She said trying to persuade me. I just shook my head and she fell back onto my bed with a sigh. I giggled at that. Sometimes she reminds so much like Yuuki and having a name that's close to hers and is younger is not helping the situation.

After an hour of just casual. We heard a knock on the door. "Enter" I said and Yuu's little sister Himeji stepped in. "Um...Asuna and Yuu mother and aunt Kyouko said that you should come downstairs and be social" she said really nervous. I really don't understand why she's always so nervous around she has been like that since she was a toddler. We got up and I saw Yuu pet her head. Walking down the steps and felt a contraction and I hunched over in pain and discomfort. "Asuna are you alright?! Yuu exclaimed rushing to my side and patting my back. I stood up again after the pain had subsided. I nodded *"It's been happening at random times for a week now it's fine though I'm probably just really close to my due date. She nodded and we walked down the stairs.

"Ah Asuna its been a while since I've seen you" My Aunt Misaki said as we arrived downstairs. "Hello Aunty" I said as politely as possible. "Oh and congratulations on the baby will we meet the father here?" She asked and I visibly tensed. "" I couldn't say any coherent words. Why would they speak of him I was having such a good day to and now I just feel sad. "No I don't you guys will meet him any time soon its kinda complicated" my mother said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Oh well thats too bad anyway Asuna see you later" she said and started walking away and Himeji raced past us to catch up with her mother. "See you later Asuna I gotta go see if I can find Yume I haven't seen her since last year" Yuu said patting my shoulder and then leaving. Mother had left too so I was alone.

Suddenly I heard a voice behind me "Oh if it isn't Asuna I see you got yourself pregnant before marriage how disappointing" the voice said. I turned around to see Akira and Ayumi. Yuu and I dubbed them the troubling twins since they caused us trouble since we were little. They are our distant cousins, Yuu's mother and my father's cousin's children. "This is none of your business Ayumi" I snarled. She ignored me and continued speaking "Hey Akira I bet she got pregnant from that supposed boyfriend shr has don't you think?" she said turning to her twin. He nodded. "So what happened Asuna you tell him you're pregnant and then he leaves you for a non pregnant women" she laughed. I raised my fist to punch when I felt another pain in my lower abdomen. I clutched myself in pain. How could another contraction it has been only twenty minutes. When it went away they already left. I sighed and went to meet some of my family.

Still Asuna POV

I arrived at Dicey Cafe at around 7 pm. The place was booming with music. I entered through the door and the usual ringing sound echoed throughout the room at my entry. Rika was one of the few who heard and motioned for me to come sit next to here and I complied. "So Asuna how has you and kiri-jnr been doing" she said putting an arm over my shoulder pulling me in. "Nah nothing much he just has been moving around a lot lately, I think it's almost time" I told her. She nodded in acknowledgement before taking a sip from her drink. All the drinks here today have not in the slightest alcohol since Andrew has been considerate pf me since I'm not aloud to drink under pregnancy.

"Hey Asuna about kiri-jnr" she said before taking another sip of her drink. "Have you got like godparents or something in case the grandparents don't want to take him in which is unlikely but still possible" she said arm still around me. "No I haven't appointed anyone since I was hoping Kirito would be awake by now"I said. "Well then as your best friend since SAO can I be the godparent?"
She asked and looked deep into my eyes. I pondered it for a bit I mean it's Rika we have been best friend for a while. I turned to her and nodded. "Well Liz I'd be happy to appoint you as the godmother of him" I answered her with a smile. " Thank you so much Asuna!" She exclaimed pulling me into a hug when suddenly. Another contraction came and I stood up and bent over to ease he pain. Then I suddenly felt a lot of movement and I felt liquid running down my legs " Shit my water broke" I exclaimed and had a look of horror spread across my face.

Hey sorry this chapter is shorter than usual. But thanks for all the views and for reading this. Stay Cool

Word count: 1108

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