Chapter 4:Love blossoms further and telling dad

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17 May 2027
Asuna POV

I am currently helping her make lunch. My dad and brother are coming back today from London. We (well mostly me) have to break the news about my pregnancy to them. So I volunteered to help make lunch to soften the blow. They would arrive any minute so it was a bit of a rush to get everything done.

I set the table before running up to my room to get dressed. I put on a red dress that reached my knees. It had frills at the bottom of my dress. Luckily it was still early months of my pregnancy so I can still wear dresses without showing a baby bump. While brushing my hair I heard commotion downstairs. After quickly slipping on red pumps that had a slight blue glitter to it I rushed downstairs.

In the living sat my father and brother in their usual formal attire on a couch and directly opposite sat my mother who wore a simple black skirt, black shirt and maroon blazer. My father the first to see that I entered the room.

Suguha POV

Right now I'm eating lunch with my boyfriend Shinichi. We are a date sitting at a table outside a food truck. I am wearing a black and white blouse and a denim shorts. While Shinichi wore a simple black t-shirt and denim jeans.

After eating or sandwiches that we bought from the food truck we started walking back fo my place. He suddenly grabbed my hand and started pulling me in the opposite direction. "Hey! what you doing?" I exclaimed. He just kept quiet and pulled at my hand as we walked. Tired of him pulling me I stopped trying to tug my wrist out of his hand. He isn't as strong as I am but his grip unbreakable. Satisfied with me giving up he let go of my wrist and held my hand.

It is spring so the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Some of the petals blowing in the wind adding a romantic atmosphere to our walk. He suddenly stopped he still held onto my hand so I was forced to stop. We were are in a park in a grove trees nobody could see but if he tried anything funny I would knock him out. After scanning my surroundings I looked back at him "whats wrong?" I asked. For some reason he seemed nervous his palms were sweating. I heard him take a breath then looked up at me trying to look confident. I say confident because he's eyes told a different story.

"Suguha, we have been dating for the last two years right?" he started. "Yes" I answered with a questioning look. "Before we started even being friends my heart would skip a beat and when we started dating I would feel like my heart would beat out of my chest" said Shinichi. Where is this going. By now he let go of my hand and stared straight into my eyes. "What I'm trying to say Suguha is that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me you helped get over my shyness and even taught me kendo". He started to bend to on one knee. I knew where this was going now. "You're the love of life and I would not like to spend my life with any one else" he said while reaching for his back pocket. "Suguha Kirigaya will make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

Asuna POV

"Asuna darling it's good to see you" my father said getting up and giving me a hug which I participated in. "How have you been its been a month?" my father asked stepping back to look at my face. Pregnant I think to myself but instead I just answer with a simple "I've been great" internally cringing at the slight lie. "Hey lil sister" said my brother standing up to greet me too. He pulled me into a hug which I reciprocated. "Well lets take this little reunion to the dining room where Asuna and I have prepared lunch" said my mother standing up from her seat. We followed her.

After taking seats around the table with my my mother sitting diagonally from me, my brother next to her and my father at the head of the six chaired table. My mother, father and brother got into casual talk about London although I would answer when my father would ask me a question. What was I going to tell them. Would they be. I mean if my child came out and told me they're pregnant and not married yet I would mad. Also the father of this child is in a coma. And... More thoughts like this were produced as I played out endless possibilities to this news. As if sensing my troubled thoughts my father probably brought up a topic he knew I would like. "Hows things with you and Kirigaya?" he asked. Even my mothers mood significantly dropped at his question. This topic brought me no joy at this time but how was my father supposed to know. Looking at my mother she nodded so I stood up and mentally took a huge breath( a/n sorry if all this deep breaths are weird this is supposed to be stressful moments I think XD)

My father and brother looked at me quizzically as I stood up from my seat pushing my chair backwards "Father, brother I have some news" I told them then quickly stealing glance from my mother who nodded again. " I have been pregnant for almost a month." My father's eyes widened like the plates in our table.

Suguha POV

Here I stood in a park Shinichi down on one knee holding a box in the box a silver ring with a green gem in the middle. I was stunned I mean who would have thought he had the guts to propose and especially whats going on in my life right but there he was in the classical down on one knee. I was brought back to reality by harsh wind that blew my hair and I realized my answer. "Yes" I answer and look him straight in the eyes. He blinks then asks "Really?!" he stood up now eye level with me. "Yes you idiot" I say playfully then pulling him into a tight embrace. "What made you think I would say no?" I ask him. He just laughs then says "I think it was all the nerves" and with that he pulls away and kisses my lips.

Asuna POV

"Wait what?!! my dad exclaims running around the table putting his hands on my shoulders. "You're pregnant?" Kouchirou asks me still seated I turn to him and nod. "Its Kirigaya's baby isn't it?" my father asks and I turn back to him. I suddenly laugh everyone who I ever told asks if it his I think to myself. "Yes father its Kazuto's" (I am permitted to use his real name around my parents) I answer. "I'm going to kill him for this" my father says under his breath. "Also father" I start to say my gaze dropping to my feet. "he has been in a coma also for almost a month" I say finishing my sentence. I heard my father sigh his hands leave my shoulders as I hear him sit down. "Asuna" at the sound of my name I look up and straight at him. "Well even though this situation is overly complicated" he says. "Congratulations you're gonna be a mother" I smile. My father gets up and leaves while walking to the door I hear him mumble "I'm gonna be a Grandfather".

Suguha POV

He is finally walking me home after out little detour which turned out to be the best day of my life for now. We strolling happily but one thing stood in our way my parents. They always like Shinichi but I guess all parents of the bride to be are fussy in the beginning.

We arrived at my place using my key I unlocked the door. Inside I could hear noise coming from the dining room. Walking towards my parents we still held hands "Ah Suguha, Shinichi I take it you had a nice morning" said my dad looking at us he was carrying plates so I assume he and mom just had lunch. "Yes it went fine dad" I answered. "Although we do have so important news" I said. Then I heard my mom gasp from the kitchen and ran out to me. "Don't tell you're pregnant too?" she asked worried. I felt my face go red " No!" Shinichi and I both exclaimed at the same time. "Oh good" my mother said and she let out a breath of relief. "So what is this news" my father asked coming back from the kitchen. "I um.." I started the trailed off. Surprisingly it was Shinichi who continued my sentence. "I asked Suguha to marry me" he stated. "Aaah so you finally grown a pair and asked my daughter" said my father then he turned to me. "So did you say yes?" he asked me. Apparently Shinichi got my parents approval first. "Yes" I answered. "Thats awesome" my mother said pulling me into a hug. "My son is getting a baby and my daughter is getting married" she couldn't keep her excitement anymore.

During the celebration I felt my heart sink.
Where was Kazuto in all this.


Also for those who dont know or can't remember Shinichi Nagata is recon originally appearing in the fairy dance arc or season 1. By the way Suguha and Shinichi are almost 18 so they are not really underage. Anyhow I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Stay safe. And always Stay Cool

Word count: 1644

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