Chapter 6: My beautiful...

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Hey Guys sorry for the late update I've been very busy. Anyway it's the gender reveal party what you think a boy or girl?
Also Flashbacks


10 August 2027
Asuna POV

Light filled my room as I opened my eyes letting the sun rays greet my eyes. I sat up and looked beside me the clock read 07:23. I have a doctor's appointment today. I'm five months pregnant now so today mother and I are going for the gender of my baby and then on Saturday (today is Thursday). We are going to have a gender reveal party so only my mom would know the gender.

If your wondering why I'm not in college my mother and I had a conversation about his around 2 months ago.


I heard a knock on the door so I closed my diary and turned my face to the door. "Enter" I said loud enough for the person on the other side to hear. The door knob turned and my mother walked in. "Good evening Asuna" she greeted me and then proceeded to sit on my bed so I turned my chair in that direction. "Okay Asuna I know you're pregnant but we have to talk about this sooner or later" she started the paused "what are we gonna do do about college" she continued. "Honestly mother I have barely thought about it but I wanted to wait a bit after the baby is born to apply" I answered. She made a sound of approval and nodded " Well that does reasonable lets wait around till it's like five months so it won't wake up a lot up in the middle of the night"

That was our whole conversation. Sighing I got up slowly lately since my belly is getting bigger it's been harder to get up from sitting up and such. I had breakfast which normally consists of omelette, bacon and some chilly powder mixed with my omelette. I showered then dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a loose green t-shirt and a red jacket and then got into the car and then mother proceeded to drive to the hospital.

We arrived around 20 minutes later and checked in at the front desk. We only waited in the waiting room for 2 minutes before the doctor called us in. "Morning Miss Yuuki would you please raise your shirt and lay on the bed" she asked and I did as she instructed. She spread some gel on me and then took the machine and moved it around for a bit. My mother stood next to me looking at the machine too. " Well" the doctor said after a bit "nothing seems to be out of the ordinary would you like to know the gender" she asked. "Yes please" I nodded. " Well congrats it's a-" but I cut her off, " wait" I half shouted. She giggled then said "I'm kidding here I'll print the results."

When we got home my mother immediately went and hid the envelope incase I tried to cheat and check it early.

12 August 2027
Asuna POV

Today is the day that we all find out what the gender of my baby will be. I got up livelier than usual and it wasn't a rush to the bathroom for morning sickness (thankfully that stopped a few days ago although when I eat the wrong food I still tend to throw it up) checking the time it was now 08:47 am. I got up and left for the shower. After a shower I slipped on a white jeans and a plain white t-shirt and put on simple brown and flat sandals to complete the look.

I walked downstairs only to see that the living room ways decorated with a rainbow assortment of colors and in the middle on the coffee table lay a black balloon with a big question mark on it I assume that I'm supposed to pop that in order to find out he gender. It really looked beautiful. I heard footsteps and I turned around. "Morning Asuna" my mother greeted me. "Good morning Mother"I said cheerfully. Mother walked across the room to me and suddenly pulled me into a hug. "I'm so proud of you Asuna, although I was quite disappointed that you got yourself pregnant but you've made me proud with how you handling things on your own" my mother said hugging me tightly. I felt tears swell up in my eyes (damn these pregnancy hormones). "Mother" I said starting to cry. I clutched on her like my last life line and cried into her shoulder.

Everyone started arriving around 11 am. They all greeted me with hugs. My father came soon downstairs as well to celebrate with us. I had gotten gifts from my friends. Rika and Keiko both gave me a rainbow colored dummy. Sinon-non gave me a pink onesie betting it would be a girl. And Ryotarou gave me a green t-shirt and pants combination. I didn't get to open anyone elses gifts. We all had spicy spicy rabbit stew(I decided to make that as an honor to Kirito) for lunch as well as multi colored cakes and sweets as food.
(A/N really sorry this part sucks. For some reason I'm horrible at writing parties)

"You ready Asuna" My mother asked and I nodded. She then gave me a pin and I turned my attention to the black balloon currently hanging from the sealing. Everyone was gathered around impatiently waiting for me to pop it. I raised my right hand which held the sharp object and brought ot toward the balloon. A loud popping noise flooded the room I looked up as (a/n wait for it) blue confetti started falling from it. "Congratulations Asuna darling I guess it's a boy" my father said coming to put his hand on my shoulder. It's a boy! I'm having a son. I thought as the realization played in my mind and my eyes bulged at the news. The whole room erupted in cheers from my friends. Everyone came and hugged me sending them there congratulations. Money was being passed around. Apparently the made bets on my baby- no my son. I turned my gaze to the deflated balloon. We're having a boy you hear that Kirito-kun. I think caressing my belly.


Everyone had gone home. "Hey mother, I'm going to the hospital for a bit" I announced almost halfway out the door. She nodded understandingly and then I drove to the hospital.

At the hospital
Asuna POV

I walked through the long hallway to Kirito's room opening door 201 I then stepped inside. "Hey Kirito-kun" I greeted him although he was unmoving. "Like I told you yesterday today was the gender reveal party" I said and then sat down on the chair placed beside his bed and then took his hand in mine. His hair was now visibly getting longer. Although in the medical bills it is included that they clean his body and such they probably don't want to move his body too much so haircuts would be hard.

"Can you guess what it is" I said after analyzing his body. "It's a boy! You're gonna have a son. Isn't that great" I know he can't talk or anything but the doctor said some of the senses might still work but that was very rare but I guess it wouldn't hurt to try and communicate. "Hey Kirito-kun this may sound selfish, but this is really hard and I'm still pregnant he is not even born yet." Tears started to form in my eyes. "I really need you and I don't want our son spending his baby years without a dad. So please come back to me and Yui and our friends and family and most importantly your son who will be born soon." By now the tears were streaming down my face this is the first time I cried here in the hospital in front of him.

When I got home later that night I took a soothing bath and put on one of Kirito's shirts. That's become my thing now at night I would wear on of his things to provide some sort of comfort. Kirito-kun wake up soon. Me and your son need you please I think as I rub my belly soothing me and the baby as I was lulled to sleep.


It's a boy!!

Thanks for 1k reads!! It's been quite a journey but I finally made it to the thousands. Also ran out of ideas do for pregnant Asuna so any suggestions or Im gonna make the baby born in like 2 chapters let me know. Also sorry it was short. And that the party scene sucked. IDK why I can't write parties
While till next time Stay Cool

Word count: 1486

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