Chapter 11: Kazuhiro Yuuki

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25 February 2028

I woke up in ALO and did my usual routine of checking whose online and if someone is check where they are. I swiped through my special menu and saw that Mama was online.

I flew back to the log cabin it didn't take long since I was just in the forest. As I approached I saw familiar long blue hair on the porch of the log cabin. "Mama!!" I screamed and turned into my normal form catching me. The undine turned around and caught. "Hey Yui sorry I haven't been here in a while" Mama apologized. "No it's fine Mama, you were taking care of little brother weren't you?" I asked Mama looking up from our embrace into her calming blue eyes. "Yes I was" Mama answered me.

We now sat on the bright green couches in the cabins living room. "Hey Mama, what my brother like?" I asked as my head rested on her lap and I stared at her. "Hmm well he looks just like papa and he cries a lot but that's normal for babies" Mama said stroking my hair.

"Hey Mama do you have my communication probe?" I asked suddenly getting an idea.

"No I don't it's at your papa's house. But I can just go get it why what's up?"

"Well I really wanna meet my brother. So can I see him through the probe?"

"Hmmm... I guess that's a good idea but are you okay with him not seeing you?"

I sat up and stared at Mama then I nodded my head vigorously. "That's fine Mama I just wanna see him"

"Okay then how about we set up a little meeting tommorow?"

"Okay but how will I know when to log into the probe?"

"I will have everything set up by 4 pm. How does that sound?"

"Okay Mama that sounds great. Mama maybe afterwards or even next month or whenever you're not busy. Can we go see papa. I mean I haven't see him in ages".

"Mmhmm I'm sure papa will be very happy to see you".

After our conversation Mama got an alert that someone was trying to contact her in he real world. I gave one last hug before we bid our farewells.

26 February 2028
Asuna POV

I got out of the cab at the Kyushu train station and then took the train to Tokyo. I was heading for the College of Tokyo to apply for the entrance exams. It was just past 9 am.

The university was full of noises. On this era normally people would study from home with online classes but this e who want the best education would go to a physical college/university.

I got to the reception and got the necessary form and sat down in the waiting area and began filling in the questions.

Full name

Simple Asuna Yuuki I wrote down.

What major-

"Hi is this seat taken?" A familiar voice asked. I looked up to see "Alice?!" I unconsciously growled.

"How rude. I was here being kind and looking for you and here you sound angry" she snarled. "No no no sorry I was just surprised" I apologized. Alice then sat down next to me. "I just got back from visiting him and I thought to see how were you doing. But when I went to your house the maid said you were here so I came here with a cab." Alice explained.

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