Chapter 2: Im not alone

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Hey guys I'm back with chapter 3. Thanks to the people who are still reading. I realized something while reading over my work again. I FORGOT YUI!!! Oh no that precious angel Im so sorry I'll add yui from now on.


11 May 2027
Asuna POV

It's been a day since I found out I am pregnant and I don't know what to do. This baby's father is in a coma of which he could never wake up. I visited the hospital yesterday and told Kirito-kun that I am pregnant. Even if he didn't hear me the doctor did say talking to him sometimes helps. When I got home later that day I cried and spent a good few hours doing just that.

I am sitting at my desk wondering what the next step would be. Under normal circumstances the mother and father would announce the news to our friends and family but this is far from because the father is in hospital and we're not married IRL yet.
Sighing I decided to tell someone it would be better if someone did know and I don't think I want my parents to know but who could I tell. I think the best possible person besides Kirito-kun would be Liz-san. I mean we're best friends we tell each other every thing.

I dialed her number and she almost immediately picked up.
"Yo Asuna what's up" Liz said in her usual cheery voice that always cheered me up. "Hey Liz you busy right now" I asked. "No why" she asked quizzically. "I have to tell you something important nad it's for advice normally I would talk to Kirito-kun about this but his not here" I answered her slightly sad. "Oh well im here for you if its as important as you say wanna meet up" she asked. "Yes that would be great but can we not in ALO cause of Yui" I questioned. "Sure wanna meet at your place around lunch" she asked. "Yeah see you soon" I said. "Bye Asuna" Liz answered then ended the call. It is currently 10:34 am. I had roughly an hour and a half before she came.

Soon later
Asuna POV

I was righting down the latest events in my diary that I've kept since I lost my memories last year. I suddenly heard a knock. "Enter" I responded. One of our maids Miss Yoriko came in. "Miss Asuna you seem to have a visitor" she simply stated. "Oh send her right up I'm expecting her" I answered turning in my chair to face her. She curtly nodded before leaving and closing the door behind her. Couple seconds later Liz came into my room. "Hey Asuna" she greeted me. "Afternoon Liz" I answered. "Okay so what's up" she said talking a seat on my bed as I stood up and sat beside her. "I'm having a crisis" I started. "Okay what is it" she asked with a skeptical look. Taking a deep breath then sighing
"I'm pregnant" I stated bluntly. She blinked for a couple moments then said in a raised voice "what". Sighing one more time I began explaining.

"The night before the accident I was staying at Kirito-kun's and we had sex turns out it wasn't a safe date and now I am left alone to deal with this " I said falling backwards onto my bed. "I honestly don't know what to say Asuna" she answered looking at her hands. " I mean I'll help you as much as I can because your my best friend and you would do the same" she said after a bit."Yeah I would" I said sitting up and pulling her into a hug. "Rika you don't know how much this means to me" I whispered softly. She gasped slightly at the use of her real name but puled me in tighter. All my friends know if I only use their real names if its serious. I started sobbing lightly against her shoulder. She didn't falter she just began stroking my hair and said "Asuna I will try and support you the best I can". I nodded and said a quiet thank you. This was the first actual sort of comfort I got in a while. For once I felt like I wasn't alone.

At around 2 Liz had to go home her mother needed something. Well I had told one person what was the rest of my friends, my daughter, Kirito-kun's family and worst of all my family. I decided the next step would be to tell Yui. She was quite heartbroken when we told what happened so maybe this could cheer her up. She would always complain that she wanted a sibling and now she's getting one. So after I had something more to eat damn my new appetite I logged into ALO. Link start!

Asuna POV

After my conscious returned I opened my eyes to the log cabin. "Mama" a high pitched voice sounded as the front burst open and a child jumped into my arms. "I missed you so much" she said digging her head into my chest. "I missed you too Yui sorry I didn't come sooner" I apologised. "No it's fine because right now your hear. I couldn't help but smile and she hugged me tighter.

After making and eating lunch with Yui I decided I had to tell her now. "Yui I need to speak to you about something". I started. "Sure what is it mama" she asked looking up at me. "How would you feel if I told you that you are getting a sibling" I questioned. I'm getting a sibling that's great " she excitedly. "Wait" she said suddenly stopping in the middle jump "is it papa's baby cause he is in a coma" she said eyeing. Then stopped and said "thats silly mama would never cheat on papa" and she giggled. I was happy that she was happy. We spent the whole night together. She did ask alot of questions thankfully I didn't have to give her the talk since in her programming she knows where babies com from.

Real World
Asuna POV

After logging out I checked the time it is 05:58 pm. "Crap" I exclaimed I'm almost late. When I got downstairs it was 06:07 pm. "Weren't you supposed to be early not late" said my mother sighing as I entered the dining room. It was only the two of us tonight. My brother went to London on a business trip and a holiday and my father decided to tag along. *Its fine" shde said before I could make up an excuse "I've got to talk to you about something the maids found in your bathroom" she added. Wondering what it was I looked up from my plate. As she took out something from under the table it was a purple and white stick. Its the pregnancy test.

"Is this yours because on here it says positive" she said while I just stared as I kept mentally cursing myself for not throwing it away.
"I asked you a question Asuna" she said voice now a bit raised. After a bit more staring I looked down at my plate and simply answered "Yes". "So that's means your pregnant" she questioned voice returning its usual calmness. "Yes" I simply answered again. "Its Kirigaya's baby isn't it" she asked. This time I just nodded my head. "You do realize how much harder this is now because he's in a coma"she half asked half said. This time I just sat still looking at my plate.

"How long have you been pregnant"she asked. "It happened the be-before the accident"I answered shaking as tears began swell up in my eyes. Sniffing slightly as I tried to keep it in. I heard my mother sigh again before the sound of a chair moving and steps. Then I felt I probably haven't felt in years a motherly hug. I couldn't hold it kn anymore so I burst into tears. "I help you through this" I heard her whisper as she stroked my hair. "But believe Asuna when he wakes up I'm gonna strangle him for taking your virginity and getting you pregnant all before marriage"she said firmly. I let out a slight laugh to that. This felt nice because this is the first time in years I was hugged by her like this.

So Kirito-kun may be gone for a bit but at least im not completely alone in this.


Hello again from me hope everyone had a nice Christmas. Hope you enjoyed. Over 1k xD words again not including the A/N. See ya next time. Stay cool

Word count: 1463

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