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It was a very nice sunny day in Sydney and good weather to start the practice session after being quarantine for 2 days. So everyone was ecstatic to begin training for upcoming matches. But amidst this, there was someone anxiously staring at his phone screen like waiting for someone's call or text. He tried acting normal with everyone around and he was successful in fooling most of his team mates but a certain Pandya who knew him better  knew that his bestie was anxious about something and to  find out what is wrong with his bestie he went over.
(A/n: Any guess to whom Harry is going to talk with ?)

He went and pulled his bestie aside so they can be alone and he can drill him for answers.

" What are you doing Harry ? Where are you dragging me and why ?" Jassi asked with irritation as he was suddenly pulled aside from his practice session.

Harry just stare at his face and even Jassi did the same but with 'what is wrong with you' look. So finally , Harry asked "What is wrong with you ? Why are you anxious since morning and don't even try denying it I have seen enough to know about you."

Jassi just sighed and said "Actually Rohit Bhaiya was supposed to call me "

"So what's the problem with it ?" Asked Harry again.

"Harry Rohit bhaiya was supposed to call me  before he leaves for Mumbai or when he reaches there and as much as I know they have reached Mumbai."

"Chill Jassi... B-Ro might be busy with family or else why will he forget to call you , when he knows you will be waiting." Said Harry trying to pacify his bestie.

" I know Harry's... just... that you know what happened 2 weeks back ...I just don't want anything to happen again when he is finally recovering and everything is getting back to normal" Said a worried Jassi.

" I know Jass I know , but you need to trust him that he can handle himself and also you need to focus on practice now because if he came to know you were thinking about him and not practicing then your puppy eyes also can't save you from punishment and just so for your relief I will ask Sky to drop by Ro's home tomorrow if you don't receive his call by evening...happy now ?" Asked Harry in his proud tone that he for once was being mature , to that Jassi just raised his eyebrows at him and gave him are you serious look to which Harry just smiled sheepishly.

Jassi just muttered idiot and went to carry-on with his practice and just to tease Harry Jass yelled "Harry don't do timepass it practice time if Virat bhaiya catches you missing practice be ready to Run extra laps "😂😂 Harry ran towards jass and jumped on his back still laughing.

There was certain someone watching there banters going on and desperately wished his bestie was here too so he could have also irritated him but he isn't. He miss him but would never admit before him. Sighing to himself he also starts practicing.

It was eve of pre match press conference, Jass was in his room when Shrey came running towards him and insert his phone in Jassi's hand to which Jassi gave him a confused look . Shrey just  directed him with eyes to look at screen.  It was virat's online press conference video live streaming where Vi can be  heard saying he doesn't know much of Rohit's injury and there is lack of clarity.

Jassi was just trying to understand what it means is this  a new way of them showing thier rift or is  this really a  serious issue of mismanagement. Because he couldn't bring himself to think that all was not good between his Bhaiya's. He remembered his last  phone conversation that he had with his Ro bhaiya that day after practice , how Sammy had hidden his phone in her toys so that was the reason he couldn't call him on time and how he whined about Harry being mature one sec then cocky that next sec and how he was missing him n all that.

He remembered how Rohit bhaiya had asked him "Chotu , please take care of  Vee and be there for him and not to let him be alone much." 

When Jassi asked " Why?"

Rohit just said " I just want to look out for my bestie when it's their first series without Mahi Bhai and even he is not there to support him. Jassi bacha please take care of him. There is much pressure on him. I hope you will do this Chotu" .

To this Jassi said " I promise you bhaiya , I will do everything in my hands but I too want something in return ."

Ro knowing his kiddo well said " Yes Baba I promise I'll take care of myself well ...don't worry kiddo your big B is strong enough to survive this."

Sighing jassi said "Yes I know bhaiya but what happened back then----" But he was cut by Ro saying " You have promised not to mention it again, kiddo you shouldn't have to witness that in first place."

Jassi saw his bhaiya looking miserable because of that topic so not saying anything about it he tried changing topic asking " What is Sammy doing?" Even Ro accepted topic change and they spoke for few more mins before Ro had to go. And just like that,  shrey pulled jassi out of his thoughts process asking " Earth to Jassi, do you have any faint idea what's  going on ?"

A/N :

So guys this was first chapter of our story. please stay tuned to know more about story and also guys please do tell us your feedback and keep supporting :).

Also happy birthday to my favourite wag rits

Also happy birthday to my favourite wag rits

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