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Virat was standing near railing lost in his thoughts when Jinks came to terrace with Arya. If someone else came there who didn't knew Virat they will say that he is just admiring the view in front but Jinks knew better than that to know that his bestie is still overthinking about the match .

Jinks intending to distract Virat and stop his overthinking said "Aru look baby, we aren't the only ones who came up to terrace for some fresh air, see your Vi chachu is also here."

Startled by the sudden voice, Virat turned around and saw Jinks standing there with baby Arya who was raising her both hands as if saying ' I want you to take me' , so,  Virat extending his hands towards Jinks  asked "What are you guys doing up here at this time?"

Just as Virat extended his hands, Baby Arya jumped from Ajinkya's embrace to Virat's and coming to Virat, she clapped her hands and said in her baby language " abaa..baaa."

To this Jinks raising his eyebrows said  " Yes baby , I'm telling your Vi cha, what you are saying?"

Virat astonished at this, immediately asked " What's my goddaughter is saying Jinksy?"

" Arre wait Veer , I'm telling ." Jinks said . He added " Yes Aru , I'm telling your Vi cha" Turning towards Virat he added " So, Veer , Aru is saying ki even we can ask you the same question cha but still the answer to your question is I was getting bored  and Aai was tired so I come out with Baba to have some fresh air as well as some fun ." Turning towards Arya , Jinks said " barobar bolol naa Baccha "
{translation - isn't Baba right baby?"}
To this Arya clapped/squilled  in joy and said " Baba...baba..bba"

" Ohh, Really Jinksy yeh sab meri princess ne kha or you made it up. Baby , I know your papa made this up because I know you will always be in my team just like Sammy is ." Virat said talking with Arya.

He even didn't realise but yes , being with Arya always reminds him of Sammy, his Ro's baby girl, his cookie monster. This two baby girls have a special place in his heart and even if anyone say more special then Ro-Jinksy , then yes, this two are more special then his two best friends because this two are their daughter, their flesh and yes, an exact replica of their parents too. They are indeed precious, very precious.💟💟

Hearing this Arya smiled and said something in her baby language and in reply, Virat too started talking to her in a childlike manner.

Jinks thought his little bit of childish plan was successful in distracting Virat. So even he started talking and playing with  them.

After sometime Virat suddenly said " Thanks Jinksy for bringing Arya up here and making up that story and through it , being successful in making me come out of my gloomy mood as well as for cheering me up."

Virat further added" Thank you my  princess 💗" hugging Arya.

Jinks didn't expect Virat to understand his plan but thinking 'when was I good at acting or even to lie that virat couldn't understand my plan' . So finally he looked up and saw Virat looking at him so he let his eyes spoke for him which said " You don't need to thank me Vi , you will always find me standing besides you whenever you need me."

Virat just hugged him and said through eyes "I knew that though thanks for reminding me about it , always and forever."  He spoke the last words and Jinks smilingly replied " ALWAYS AND FOREVER " and then  he added "Let's go for dinner , Ash, Jaddu, pujji and Shikhi might be waiting."

Meanwhile downstairs in Jassi's room:

One by one all the youngsters started coming there. All were in there own way impatient and happy for dinner to start as: KulCha were just happy that they were finally getting some time with their Rohitaa/ Ro bhaiya, then there was Rishu who was excited to just have dinner with his bhaiya after a long time , then there was Mayank and Shrey who were just happy that inspite of not being here physically still Ro was there for them and on the other hand, Rahul was thinking how he will talk to Ro alone , whereas Washi, Navdeep, Siraj well known as RCB kids , to be precise Virat's kids from RCB , still shared a different bond with Ro so they just couldn't miss out a chance like this and then our Prithvi and Shubhi boy, youngest of all just excited to talk and complain about others to their Rohit bhaiya/ paaji. How can we forget our jassi and harry who was the cause of the dinner .

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