New years events

En başından başla

A little bit after sunrise 

I was sitting on the bench, looking down at the city that was covered in snow. I felt a movement on my side and looked over to see Monaca sitting up slowly "Morning sleepy head. Did you enjoy your nap?" She looked up at me and nodded slowly, noticing that I wasn't wearing my jacket "What happened big brother?" "you fell asleep on me, I didn't want to wake you so we stayed here for the night." She nodded slowly and looked down at herself and tucked her face into the jacket more "It's cold..." I nodded "yeah, lets go ring the bell and start making our way back." she nodded and looked at me "will big brother carry me?" I nodded and picked her up. "of course." I carried her over to the front of the temple where there was a large rope leading up to a bell. I gently set Monaca down and handed her a coin "toss the coin into the box and ring the bell. then put your hands together and make a wish" Monaca nodded and tossed the coin into the box, ringing the bell and putting her hands together "I wish big brother will be as happy as Monaca" I chuckled and pat her head "you don't have to say it out loud" She smiled up at me "but If I don't then not as many gods will hear it." I smiled at her "well I'm sure they all heard you." She giggled and nodded "Is big brother gonna make a wish as well?" I shook my head "I already have all the things I could want." She nodded and did grabby hands at me. I chuckled and picked her up again. She leaned against me as I started carrying her down the hill. I carried her all the way back to the academy and to my room, smiling and telling stories to Monaca along the way. 

When we got to the room I set Monaca down on her bed and walked over to the kitchen. I started cooking food for breakfast since I didn't want to walk all the way down to the cafeteria after just having walked from the temple. As I cooked I heard my phone ring so I took it out of my pocket and set it on the counter, looking at who was calling. It was Aiko so I picked up and put it on speaker phone. "hello, this is Y/n. How may I help you this morning" I kept cooking as I waited for a response "h-hi, sorry to bother you this early.... I-I was wondering if you still had some of the hot cocoa stuff... the store is still out of it and I w-wanted to have some" "I don't have the same stuff, but I have the ingredients to make it from scratch" I moved the food that I cooked onto a plate and set it down on the nearby table "o-oh.... w-would it be okay if I came over?" I signaled Monaca over to the table "Of course it would be fine. Might as well have a mini new years party in my room" "o-okay, I will be over soon" "alright, see you soon" She hung up before I did and I shrugged, getting out the stuff to make hot cocoa. I started making all the stuff for it, getting out some cups when there was a knock on the door. "Monaca, can you see who that is?" "yep!" I heard Monaca walk over to the door "It's the bunny hood girl and the game lady" I looked over for a moment "let them in" I started mixing the ingredients in a kettle and set it on the hotplate. After that I looked over at the 2 again "I know why Aiko is here, but why did you come today Chiaki?" Chiaki pulled out her gamegirl "I wanted to come play games with you and I ran into Aiko on my way here." I nodded and looked at Aiko "the hot cocoa will be done in a few minutes, feel free to sit down and get comfortable" She nodded and sat down at the table. Monaca went back to the table and went back to eating her food. I looked at Chiaki again. "Why not set up the tv so all of us can play a game on the consol?" Chiaki nodded and went over to the tv. 

I took out another cup and set it with the other 3 then melted down marshmallows like I did last down. I mixed in some cream so that it was more creamy than last time. I turned down the heat on the hot cocoa and added more stuff into it. Soon there was another knock at the door. I walked over to the door and opened it, seeing Hiyoko, Ibuki, and Nekomaru. "ummm...hello?" Hiyoko hugged me "Yay! your here today. I wanted to hang out and eat mochi and gummy bears with you" I pat her back "okay, what about the other 2? " Ibuki put her hands on her side and spoke proudly "Ibuki saw Hiyoko leaving the store with sweets and decided to follow her!" I sighed and looked at Nekomaru who let out a laugh "I was on my morning jog and saw those 2 running so I decided to follow and cheer them on" Hiyoko pouted "They chased me and I couldn't get away from them" I nodded "alright, well I guess I can invite you all in. I've already got a mini party starting in here." Ibuki walked in and looked around "Woah, this is your room? Ibuki likes it!" I sighed and moved over so Nekomaru could enter. I walked back over to the kitchen with Hiyoko still holding onto me and took the hot cocoa off the hot plate, taking down another 3 cups and pouring the hot cocoa evenly into the cups. I took the marshmallow cream and put some in each cup, drawing pictures for each person. A bunny for Aiko and Monaca, a cat for Chiaki, an 8th note for Ibuki, a heart for Hiyoko, a dumbbell for Nekomaru, and a leaf for me. I gave each person their cups and then sat down near the TV with mine. Soon we had an official party going on. We played games together, talked about plans for the new year, Chiaki and Hiyoko were constantly fighting over who gets to have my attention, and Aiko was constantly hiding and shying away from people other than Monaca and me. After some time Ibuki and Nekomaru left so It was just Aiko, Chiaki, Hiyoko, Monaca, and me left here. Chiaki and Hiyoko were fighting over who would get to sit by me using the game, which ended when Monaca walked over and sat down in my lap and Aiko sat next to me. Aiko grabbed onto my sleeve "thank you for letting me come over, it was fun..." I smiled and pat her head "I told you before that I was here if you needed a friend to hang out with" she nodded and smiled at me, letting go of my arm and grabbing onto my hand. Monaca giggled and hugged me "big brother has too many female friends, Monaca will be upset if you don't leave enough time for her." I pat her head as well "don't worry, I will always leave time for you" 



I'm posting this early since I might not get the change to publish it if I wait longer. I have a lot of stuff that I'm going to be doing through to the new year so I might not have the time to do more chapters till then. Might being a large key word there since I will probably do chapter to procrastinate my other work. Next chapter shall be the chapter class 78 enters, so look forward to that.Until next chapter. 

Ultimate scapegoat  (DanganRonpa x Male reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin