ISBILY 02: Still you

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They say that when you love, it hurts. For if it does not hurt, then it's probably not love.

But is it really necessary to get hurt this much when loving a person? Do some people really have to get this kind of excruciating pain, this very painful kind of unrequited love?

Weeks passed after that confession.. I isolated myself from him. I kept a distance. I knew I should be the one to blame, that I should have not fallen inlove with my bestfriend. I should have not let my heart beat for him. But could I do to stop my heart from beating for him? There's no point of regretting now. I could clearly remember what he told me after I confessed.

"Nyx, I love you but I'm sorry, it's not the same way you do. I love you as my bestfriend and nothing could ever change that. And I will still love you the way I do until my last breath. Because  you are Nyx, my one and only bestfriend"

And that's it. He loves me, but not more than a friend. He loves me as his bestfriend and sees me like a sister, nothing more, nothing less.

But he did kissed me back with the same need like I did. But he told me not to mention it, he was just swayed by my lips touching his.

After all those strength I gathered to say it in front of him, he still see me as a friend. But darn. Do bestfriends kiss like what we did that time? The hell. I am definitely sure that they don't. Well unless those friends with benefits or those f*ck buddies. Well nevermind, that was just so gross, I want to vomit at that thought.

"Nyx, I love you but I'm sorry, its not the way you do. I love you as my bestfriend and nothing could ever change that. And I will still love you the way I do until my last breath. Because  you are Nyx, my one and only bestfriend"

"Nyx, I love you but I'm sorry, its not the way you do. I love you as my bestfriend and nothing could ever change that. And I will still love you the way I do until my last breath. Because  you are Nyx, my one and only bestfriend"

"Nyx, I love you but I'm sorry, its not the way you do. I love you as my bestfriend and nothing could ever change that. And I will still love you the way I do until my last breath. Because  you are Nyx, my one and only bestfriend"

"Ahhh enough, please stop" I keep on shouting while pulling my hair out of frustration. But my dumb mind keeps on playing back his words that poison my heart, and I have nothing else to do but cry in pain.

"Nyx, I love you but I'm sorry, its not the way you do. I love you as my bestfriend and nothing could ever change that. And I will still love you the way I do until my last breath. Because  you are Nyx, my one and only bestfriend"

"Nyx, I love you but I'm sorry, its not the way you do. I love you as my bestfriend and nothing could ever change that. And I will still love you the way I do until my last breath. Because  you are Nyx, my one and only bestfriend"

His words echoed to me like a broken disc. Like a clip in retrograde that keeps on flashing back to my mind. I just can't forget it, I can't forget the exact words that seemed like a knife that stabbed me a million times, words that made my heart half dead. Hearing his words broke my heart, crash my world, and shatter it into pieces. Rain keeps falling as thousands of blades hit my body parts, tearing all the vital organs in it, billions of broken glass crushed into very fine granules, the colors slowly fade, those smiles turned into tears, turning my world upside down. Why do it has to be him?

Yeah why do of all people on Earth it has to be you Erebus, why do it has to be you the one I am inlove with? Why do of all people I would fall for my bestfriend

I'M SORRY BUT I LOVE YOU [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu