Chapter 9

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Meanwhile, Daffy and Cadet were waiting by the balcony of the country club.

Daffy was wearing a pink polo shirt with light green shorts, a white open cap, and a yellow neck sweater while Cadet was wearing a green and white polo vest with a white  neck sweater and a green plaid cap.

Daffy wanted to wait for Bugs before they start ordering any food.

 He leaned forward on the railings, taking a breath taking view of the Club while Cadet leaned back on it.

Finally, after 40 minutes has past, Cadet noticed Bugs running towards them, panting from all of the running.

"S..sorry I'm late guys. I tried to get here as fast as I could." Bugs said as he leaned on his knees in an attempt to breath. 

"'s okay w..we were waiting for you. Right Captain?" Cadet asked, beaming.

Daffy turned around and looked at Bugs.

"Yeah we're in no hurry. As long as you came, that's all that matters." Daffy said smiling.

After Bugs took a few more deep breaths, he straightened up his back and smiled back.

Daffy all of a sudden blushed from the smile and turned back nervously as he started to walk to the downstairs area that exits the balcony.

"Ahem, now come on down so we can have Brunch. There's so much to do today." Daffy said with Cadet walking right behind him. 

Why does he always do that? Am I that difficult to talk to? Bugs thought as he started laughed and shake his head.

He jogged up a bit to catch up to them. 

When all three got to the Bistro, they took an outdoor table and sat on the seats.

The patio umbrella on the table started to move from light breeze that was coming from the air conditioner of the ship which softly blew on Bug's fur.

He didn't mind at all that it was fake air, but it did help enhance the experience of outdoor eatery and plus, he can see the view of the club as well rather than through a glassed area. 

He looked at one of the menus that were placed in front them and sighed with relief that none of the food items were for aliens or anything.

"What's wrong? Is the food not good here? if you want, I can ask the chef what else they have." Daffy offered. 

"Oh no, the menu is just fine. I just thought that, well the food would be for um....aliens." Bugs said nervously.

Daffy bursted out laughing.

"Haha. Don't worry Bugs, if we wanted you to eat alien food, we would let you know ahead of time. Besides, the visitors here actually eat the same thing that earth people eat so, menu choices are pretty much universal here." Daffy explained.

"haha, yeah I figured they would." Bugs said as he rubbed his neck in embarrassment.

After a few minutes, a purple alien waitress came up to them.

"Hi, what can I get you gentlemen?" The waitress asks.

"I..I would like to have a diet coke with s...sausages and jam toast please." Cadet answered. 

Bugs looked back horrified.

He forgot that Cadet was like his 10th great grandfather.

And just like his grandfather, he also eats pork, which makes them both official cannibals.

He started to cringe at the thought of it.

"Okay and what about you Captain?" The waitress asks Daffy while writing the orders on her notepad.

"A Raspberry Iced Tea with an Eggs Benedict." Daffy answered.

"Alright and for you sir?" The waitress ask Bugs.

"Umm, carrot juice and a carrot quiche." Bugs answered, trying to get Cadet's food order off his mind.

"Okey Dokey then, I'll get that right out for you." The waitress said as she picked up the menus and walked away from the table.

After a few minutes, the waitress came back with the food and Cadet started digging into his right away.

Bugs was once again uneasy as he sees cadet eating his sausages slowly.

The grease started to drip from his mouth and down onto his chin.

Bugs wanted to puke.

He couldn't look away, it was just too much for him to unsee.

Daffy laughed quietly to himself as he watch Bugs get tortured by Cadet's eating

He already knew that Cadet was a cannibal too and wanted to watch Bugs suffer.

Its was just too funny to say anything about it.

"Aren't you going to eat anything? You haven't touched your food yet and its getting cold." Daffy asked, still laughing a bit.

"You know what Doc? I don't think I have the appetite to eat anything right now." Bugs groaned.

"Haha as much as I want to laugh at your misery, I suggest you eat at least something. You'll be hungry later if you don't." Daffy said, now concerned.

"Okay, but I'm not going to promise you that I'll be able to eat much as long as I have to look at him." Bugs said referring to Cadet.

"Okay, okay. Cadet, when you're done, can you go see if the tennis courts are available for us to play." Daffy instructed.

"S..sure thing Captain." Cadet said as he finished off his breakfast and left the Bistro, taking his drink to go, leaving Bugs and Daffy alone.

"Thank you. I don't think I can handle it much longer." Bugs said shaking his head.

"Haha. Don't worry, I've seen worse. Trust me, its not as bad as seeing an alien eat from his head or eating with another alien on its tongue or..." Daffy said before he got cut off.

"Alright alright enough, don't tell me anymore because I have to eat too you know." Bugs grumbled as he picked his fork and dug it into his quiche.

"Haha. Sorry." Daffy said as he started eating his food too.

After they both finished their breakfast, they waited for Cadet to come back and talked for a moment.

"So Bugs." Daffy said in more a serious tone.

"Yeah." Bugs said while chewing his food.

"You never did answer my question." Daffy said.

"About what?" Bugs asked confused.

"About...well you know. Your friend Daffy. I know that its personal but since you'll be stuck here for a while, I figured I can at least get to know you before you go back. I mean, if you feel uncomfortable, we can talk about something else." Daffy said sadly looking down.

Am I asking too much of him? I hope he doesn't take it harshly. he thought. 

"No its alright, we can..." Bugs said when he was stopped by Cadet who walked towards them.

"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt, but the courts are ready to use now." Cadet announced.

"Well Bugs, lets see if your serving and footwork skills are up to any good use. Maybe enough to beat me at a 3 set game." Daffy challenged as he got up, relived that the subject was changed.

"You're on" Bugs chuckled, he was also glad that they can move on and got up too.

After Daffy paid for the tab, they all three walked out of the bistro and head down to the courts for a game match.

Love Without Limitations: a Baffy (BugsXDaffy) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now