Chapter 5

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As Bugs continues the remaining part of the tour with Cadet, he seems to have faded in most of Cadet's talk.

He was more focused on what could he do to get his best friend back into his life.

He still couldn't shake the feeling that he had messed up everything for them.

It was almost like he wanted to hear Daffy complain to him one more time.

Just once, so that he can argue back and laugh about it with him later.

He has known Daffy for so long, it felt odd to be without him for even a second.

17 years.

17 years that he has spent, going through the good and the bad days with him.

Daffy was a big part of his world and without him, a piece of Bug's heart was gone.

He continued to blank out until they have made their next stop of the tour as he listens back to Cadet's talk.

"...A...and here we are. The Acme-Acres Country Club" Cadet announces as they both open the sliding door in front them and step inside the area.

The place was almost like an open backyard.

It had a beautiful garden maze, a small tennis court, an outdoor swimming pool that was filled with swimmers, a patio like bistro with white umbrellas and bench seats for the guests, and a golf course.

all of it can be seen through a heightened balcony that has a downstair-case in the corner for the visitors to go to any of the activities spot.

Bugs was awed at the sight of it all.

"Wow. This is incredible." Bugs said when all of a sudden, a whooshing sound drew his attention to the sky where a red spacecraft was flying over their heads.

"Is that a spaceship?" Bugs wondered aloud.

"O...of course. This country club is quite popular with people who come from other planets. They visit Earth all the time, e...especially this place. It's a safe zone for t...them whenever war happens on their planet. Captain Dodgers w...would offer free shelter and supplies when they needed it the most. In return, we became their most trusted ally." Cadet said proudly.

"Wow, that's awfully kind of him" Bugs said smiling.

"O...oh yeah. We are always at their service no matter big or how small you are, we'll always be t...there at your service. Cadet said in a cheery tone.

Bugs sighs and looks more at the view of the country club.

It sure was beautiful.

He wished he could see this place more often.

Especially the garden.

That was the best part about it.

Maybe before he heads back home, he could stop by at night to see it.

Just him and maybe...

"Well, one thing for sure. This country club is way better than the old one that I used to go to back home." Bugs said delightfully while continuously staring at that garden.

"Really? What was it like?" Cadet asked.

"Oh you know? The golf course. The pools. Tennis....actually the Tennis court is where I met my girlfriend. Her name was Lola." Bugs explained bluntly, thinking about having the "break-up talk" with her after being with her for so long as soon as he gets back home.

She was a beautiful bunny, but she was also ditzy and so full of herself.

She never needed him.

She just wants attention and boy was she getting plenty of it.

The last thing he needs is to hear her voice again, talking nonstop while not focusing on the fact that it just about annoys him to death.

The thought of her made his eyes roll.

"Oh you mean the pretty bunny that was with Daffy...I mean Captain Dodgers during his present time?" Cadet asked, trying to correct his mistake of how he calls his friend by.

"It's okay you can call him Daffy. In fact, just between you and me, I would love for you to call him by his real name. It makes me feel like that I am still here with him even though he is the future version of him." Bugs stammered and then, realizing what he had just said, panics and attempts to face away from Cadet as he tries to hide his embarrassment.

What the heck am I saying? Do I really miss him that much? Bugs thought as he blushes.

His face, bright red at the thought of his own words.

"Umm, sir. I think it's about time to head back to the rooms and change clothes. Dinner will be served in the cafeteria hall in approximately 1 hour. So if we leave now, we should be able to make it on time." Cadet said not paying attention to Bugs and looking at his watch as if he was on a schedule, familiarly like Porky.

"Oh right. Yes. Dinner. A good shower is just what I need right now. Phew, is it hot in here or what? I better head back now." Bugs said, trying to relive himself of the heat from his blushing by attempting to fan out his burning face with his hand.

Cadet gave him an odd look and just shook his head as he walks with him back to the guest rooms.

10 minutes later, they arrived and stopped in front of Bug's guest room. 

"Well, here we are sir. Now, the Captain and I have left you some clothes at the end of the bed when you get done. I hope you like Red cause that's all we have." Cadet announces.

"That'll be fine. Thank you and Um....thanks for you know.... not outing me back there when I found out..." Bugs said rubbing his neck in embarrassment.

"'s okay. You needed to hear the truth anyways. I mean you are his friend. I...I was just worried for Captain Dodgers. I...I've just never seen him look so hurt until you came along. I...I hope that you two can talk about it. A...anyways I'll let you get ready and I'll come by and get you in 40 minutes." Cadet said as he left him alone to change.

Bugs closes the door behind him and leaned against it as he slides to the floor.

He sighs sadly.

He hopes he can make it right this time.

Love Without Limitations: a Baffy (BugsXDaffy) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now