Chapter 1

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It was a quiet Sunday afternoon as Bugs got up from his bed for his early morning routine of breakfast and a cup of coffee. 

He grabbed his light blue robe that has BB on it, which was initials for his name, and walks downstairs as he heads to the kitchen to make some breakfast for him and Daffy since Daffy couldn't cook.

He turned on his coffee machine and grabs a frying pan to fix some fried eggs while the coffee starts to brew.

When the eggs were done, Bugs slides all of the eggs off on a big plate and left it on the kitchen counter so that him and Daffy could share them with a plate of fresh toast next to the eggs that had been popped from the toaster earlier.

He grabs a cup from the kitchen cabinet and fills his mug with coffee as he takes a seat in the dining table.

The smell of burning oil from the eggs woke up Daffy from his bed as he grabs his purple and dark red robe from the edge of his bed.

He heads downstairs and walks to the kitchen.

"Hey Bugs where's the newspaper?" Daffy asks as he comes through the kitchen with a sleepy tone.

"Don't you remember? We forgot to pay for the subscription so, we can't get any more newspapers." Bugs reminded him.

"Oh." Daffy said as he looks over the counter and saw the plate of eggs. "Is that eggs?" He asks.

"Yes, grab a couple and sit down, please." Bugs said with a grumpy tone.

He usually don't get irritated in the morning, but lately Daffy has been complaining to him  about everything so much, that he couldn't get quiet time to himself for more than 5 minutes.

Daffy, assuming that all the eggs and the toast on the counter were for him, grabs both plates and sets it down on the table as he grabs a cup from the kitchen cabinet and fills his mug with coffee.

"you know we're supposed to share these right? I made 8 eggs and 4 toasts, that's enough for us to share right?" Bugs warned Daffy with an annoyed voice.

"Sure" Daffy said, ignoring the warning as he sets his coffee down and sits on the opposite chair of Bugs. 

Daffy then, starts scarfing down the eggs and toast, unware the Bugs was giving him a death glare in annoyance.

"I said, they were for us to share and what do you do? you start eating all of them! Unbelievable!" Bugs fumed. 

"Oh right, sorry. I mean there should be a couple left." Daffy bluffed as he shows Bugs of what was scraps left on the two plates of food.

Bugs shook his head and gets up as he heads to the green couch so he could watch his daily sports on the T.V in the living room.  

Daffy gulped down his coffee and joins his friend on the couch. 

The two looked over the T.V as Bugs started flipping through channels.

Daffy, bored and wanting to watch his favorite cop show with the legendary Steve St. James, grabs the control from Bugs, without asking permission and turns on the channel that has his show in it.

Bugs, whose temper has risen to the quick, rises up in anger.

"Alright! I've had it! Daffy, you've been nothing but a nuisance these past 5 years since we've been roommates and I can't stand it any longer! Its no wonder I can't get any peace and quiet around here." Bugs yells at unnoticed Daffy who continued to stare at the T.V

Bug's yelling caused Speedy Gonzales, their other roommate, to pop out of his mouse-like home hole with a tired, grumpy expression in his face.

"Guys! Keep it down a bit. I can't get any sleep with all of this yelling in here." Speedy Gonzales said as he zips back to his home hole.

Daffy, now aware of the situation, turns off the T.V and stands up as he begins to argue with friend.

"Oh I see how it is, you just want me stop what I'm doing so that I can hear you complain to me all week about nothing but junk." Daffy protested.

"Daffy, I don't complain, you do." Bugs with a tired tone.

He was used to hearing Daffy saying nonsense stuff.

"Well even if I do complain, I don't complain about doing the chores or working." Daffy said, trying to prove a point.

"Daffy, you don't do chores and you hardly work at all." Bugs said firing back.

"Well, I still wouldn't complain even if did." Daffy said, failing at giving a reason for their worthless argument. 

"What is with you? Are you that daff? that's probably why your parents call you Daffy of course." Bugs said annoyed.

"Hey! You don't know nothing about my parents" Daffy said in angrily tone and hurt that his own friend would be that low to even mention his parents.

"You're right I don't, but I do know for sure that you are nothing but a selfish, stubborn, heartless, wannabe of a friend. Plus, you had job opportunities and you still won't leave, why is that?" Bugs asked irritates.

"Well duh, I keep losing them. Its not easy getting a job and keeping it you know. Not everyone is like you who invents only one thing and gets paid for the rest of their life. I mean come on! A carrot peeler? Really? you couldn't at least invent a time machine of some sort. That would have been a better invention than a carrot peeler." Daffy said with his arms crossed.

"Actually as a matter of fact, I do have a time machine and if I were to use it right now, I'd use it to get away from you!" Bugs pointed as he turns and heads to the basement of the house.

"Me? Why? I thought we are best friends!" Daffy yelled as his friend was walking away, hurt and realizing that he was actually going to lose his friend this time.

Bugs turns around and yells out the last burning words he has to his friend.

"We are not best friends. You're just a pathetic bum that I had to put up with for so long. You've accomplished nothing in life since you got here and I just about had enough of it. I'm leaving." Bugs said as he stormed off to the basement leaving Daffy, motionless and still. 

Daffy looked on in shock for a few more minutes before he decides to get dressed and headed outside for some fresh air with tears welled up in his eyes.

He knew that he blew it up this time and figured that it was probably about time that he leaves his friend for good before he messes it all up again.

Meanwhile, Bugs pulls out a cover sheet that have been lying over the time mechanism to reveal that it was a white vehicle like device with colorful buttons.

As Bugs climbs onto the seat of the machine, he takes a moment to feel how smooth the material of the invention was.

He had been working on it for more than a decade and right now it felt good after so long to finally test it out.

"Now lets put this baby to some good use. Where should I go? Oh I know! I'll go to the future! It'll certainly be a lot more fun there than it is here." Bugs said sarcastically to himself as he activates the machine and sets it to 24th and half century into the future.

The machine then, begins to glow and warps speed ahead, disappearing like a flash of light to its mysterious destination.

Love Without Limitations: a Baffy (BugsXDaffy) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now